Cannot access virtual machine

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by JoelB2, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. JoelB2

    JoelB2 Bit poster

    Hi. Hope this makes sense... I have Parallels on my Mac. I was unsuccessful running it, and then realized I needed a "virtual machine," so installed a trial version of "IE 11 on Windows 8." All was well, but I failed to purchase the trial version before it expired. Now, when I try to access Windows, I get a window that says "Locked," and asks for a password. Any password I enter does not work. I'll try to attach a screenshot. I would like to access my Windows program again. Any help is appreciated.

    Attached Files:

  2. Sergei.B43

    Sergei.B43 Bit poster


    There is no way to convert these Windows trial virtual machines to a non-expiring virtual machine. When the 90 days trial expires, your Windows virtual machine will stop working. There will be no option to re-activate it even using a commercial Windows key. You will lose access to your Windows applications and there will be no way to migrate it to another Windows virtual machine.

    Please refer to this article for more info:

    I would recommend you to use Parallels Mounter, so you can at least copy important private files from Windows hard disk without starting virtual machine:
  3. JoelB2

    JoelB2 Bit poster

    Thank you. Do you know how I can install/create a virtual machine?
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  4. Sergei.B43

    Sergei.B43 Bit poster


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