Cannot Create macOS VM

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by VincentH13, Sep 26, 2024.

  1. VincentH13

    VincentH13 Bit poster

    I am trying to create a MacOS VM on R14.7 (Sonoma). After making the initial choices (both auto create and manual) it pops up a window with the Apple logo and "Starting ....". After several seconds, the window disappears. I tried running it again from the Control Center. I tried with versions 19 and 20 and get the same results. I tried finding the logs, but ~/Library/Containers/com.2X.... does not exist. No luck.
  2. Christian Tecmac

    Christian Tecmac Bit poster

    I have Sequoia on MacBook Pro Max M1 with Parallel desktop 20.0.1 and I cannot even create another virtual machine. I press the + button and nothing happens same with FILE ----> NEW.. still nothing happens. I reinstalled the program without any progress. If I try to click support center I get the same results. wow....
  3. VincentH13

    VincentH13 Bit poster

    I managed to get a MacOS VM installed by going all the way back to Monterey (12.6.1), and then upgrading until I installed Sonoma. Incidentally, I had the same problem with UTM (4.5.4, I think) until I used 12.6.1. Seems like a problem with Sonoma running on my host (14.7).
  4. Christian Tecmac

    Christian Tecmac Bit poster

    I managed to get it to work by enabling the kernel extensions while booting in recovery mode on my Silicon Mac. For some reasons after installing Sequoia I need to do that to get Parallel to work as expected.

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