Can't connect to network in Windows

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Bean, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. Bean

    Bean Bit poster


    I'm still using a trial version of Parallels Desktop 7, evaluating if I want to buy it.

    I installed Windows 7. Everything seems to work, except the network. The drivers seem to have a conflict.

    I have attached a screenshot displaying the problem. It's in Dutch, so the error message in English would be this : "This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use. If you want to use this device, you will need to disable one of the other devices on this system. (Code 12)"

    Any ideas?


    Attached Files:

  2. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Hi, take a look into article - it seems that it applies to your case
  3. Bean

    Bean Bit poster

    Thanks - I did not have the ATI PCI Express(3GIO) Filter Driver, but I did have an AMD PCI Express(3GIO) Filter Driver, and uninstalling that solved the problem!
  4. JoeSut

    JoeSut Bit poster

    cant connect t network in windows - Neither ATI PCI nor AMD PCI exist

    Hi, I followed the instruction link that tells me to uninstall either the ATI PCI Express(3GIO) Filter Driver or AMD PCI Express(3GIO) Filter Driver in the system device. However, i checked mine and it does not have either of those drivers.

    I just installed desktop parallel 7 in a late 2011 macbook air. I could connect to the internet fine, just cannot find any device in the network.

    Appreciate your help!
  5. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    please make sure that you are using Shared Networking. Then click Start -> Run and execute cmd.exe. Type in the appeared window command "ipconfig /all" (make sure that all output fits to the window). Then, without closing the window, click Parallels Destkop menu "Help"->"Report a Problem", send a problem report (it is not necessary to provide description) and post here the report ID.
  6. JoeSut

    JoeSut Bit poster

    Hi Elric, thank you for the quick response. I did what you instructed and the report id is as follow: 12794203

    Looking forward to hear the solution for this.

  7. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Oops :) I have not noticed that internet in your VM works fine and the problem is "I could connect to the internet fine, just cannot find any device in the network."

    The thing is that while in Shared Networking it is impossible to browse the network-computers (Shared Networking acts like barrier between VM and the rest of the world), but you always can connect to another computer using its name.

    Alternatively you could try to switch from Shared to "Bridged to Default" networking type. But it is not guaranteed to work in all network environments.
  8. JoeSut

    JoeSut Bit poster

    ok so let me see if i understand this correctly, using virtual machine such as parallel, i won't be able to see the other computers in the network, but if i want to connect to a specific computer in the network, i can do it directly by inputing the IP address of the computer. is that right?
  9. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Yes, you are right with one correction: it is not possible in Shared-networking mode, but if Bridged works in your environment, in Bridged you can also browse computers.
  10. KhalilY

    KhalilY Bit poster

    Please HELP!! I just installed Parallels 7 to my new mac and can't connect my window parallels to my wireless network. The parallels problem report ID is 13750479.
  11. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Hi, please describe in details what doesn't work. Can you connect from browser in Win to for example If not, what is the result?

    please also either resend the problem-report with the step "Click Start -> Run and execute cmd.exe. Type in the appeared window command "ipconfig /all" (make sure that all output fits to the window). Then, without closing the window, click Parallels Destkop menu "Help"->"Report a Problem" or just post here the output of ipconfig (without /all).
  12. KhalilY

    KhalilY Bit poster

    Hi Elric, Thank you very much for the quick response, For some reason that I am not aware of, I can connect to the internet now. I've been trying to connect to websites like google for 4 days and I tried it again after I saw your response and it worked suddenly. Hopefully this would last!! THANKS SO MUCH AGAIN
  13. MauricioB

    MauricioB Bit poster

    Can't connect to IE

    Hello, I've tried to ignore that I cannot connect to the internet for weeks now because I don't use Internet Explorer much on the windows side but I do need it now and I still cannot connect. I am not sure why and I've tried everything and read as many troubleshooting blogs as possible but I cannot figure out what is wrong. Can you please help? Please see attached image. [​IMG]


    Uploaded with
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2012
  14. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    please make sure that you are using Shared Networking. Then click Start -> Run and execute cmd.exe. Type in the appeared window command "ipconfig /all" (make sure that all output fits to the window). Then, without closing the window, click Parallels Destkop menu "Help"->"Report a Problem" or just post here the output of ipconfig (without /all).
  15. MauricioB

    MauricioB Bit poster

    Thank you for your quick reply. Please see below the results of the ipconfig command:


    Uploaded with
  16. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    And... what is the problem report number?
  17. MauricioB

    MauricioB Bit poster

    Apologies. Report number is 19290330
  18. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Strange. I'd suggest you to try another browser (for example FireFox or Chrome). Also we can make remote session to your computer and check the issue locally.

    I'm available 11.00-18.00GMT working days. Send me your email address via forum's private messages if the session is ok for you.
  19. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    please make sure that you are using Shared Networking. Then click Start -> Run and execute cmd.exe. Type in the appeared window command "ipconfig /all" (make sure that all output fits to the window). Then, without closing the window, click Parallels Destkop menu "Help"->"Report a Problem" or just post here the output of ipconfig (without /all).
  20. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    I've replied in private messages, but duplicating here because notifications are not delivered by default.

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