Can't resize windows in Coherence mode (transient bug)

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by ||xplorer, May 29, 2020.

  1. ||xplorer

    ||xplorer Member

    I am using PD Version 15.1.2 (47123) in macOS 10.14.6 and running a Windows 10 Pro VM in Coherence.
    Occasionally, I notice that the "resize" function in Windows is not activated when I hover on the edge of a Window (or its corners), as it should and therefore I am unable to resize it. As a matter of fact, this appears to be the case for all the windows of that app.
    I am not actually sure how this happens, but eventually I can manage to recover this resizing functionality (I will have either opened a new Windows app or switched between apps in the meantime).
    If you have experienced this issue, please add your testimony to this thread so that Parallels investigates (and solves) that bug.
  2. JamesMcDowell

    JamesMcDowell Member

    I have encountered this as well. Changing the desktop resolution in Windows itself will change the window size when this is happening.
  3. ||xplorer

    ||xplorer Member

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Is this a workaround? I fail to see how that really helps...
  4. JamesMcDowell

    JamesMcDowell Member

    I'm just confirming that you are not the only person with the problem. It's the workaround that I use when it happens.

    You'll be lucky to get a response let alone a solution from Parallels.
  5. ||xplorer

    ||xplorer Member

    OK, I'll try that, but that sound messy (I am using multiple displays) and does it restore the "resizability" all app windows?
    I am not really counting on any immediate fix and Parallels' "please give us full remote control of your computer from India" type of support is not really my cup of tea (not mentioning that since it appears to be random occurrence, I can't even think of a good way to report this, except for showing some screen capture video documenting the problem).
  6. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We suggest you exit coherence and shutdown Windows normally then update Parallels Desktop to the latest build. When you start Windows after the update, Parallels Tools will get updated then you will have to restart Windows again. After the restart, you can enter Coherence view and check if you are still facing the issue.
  7. ||xplorer

    ||xplorer Member

    Which build version is that?
  8. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    It is Parallels Desktop 15.1.4.
  9. ||xplorer

    ||xplorer Member

    Was JamesMcDowell above using that version? Is this version specifically addressing that problem? I did not upgrade as I couldn't see the benefit for me.
  10. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, we've received your message, did you the same issue?
  11. ||xplorer

    ||xplorer Member

    Actually, yes. I am staring at a window which I can resize if I grab it from the corners or from the top, but not resize arrows appear on the size or bottom. Until they do. And they disappear again on one side... And then reappear after I hide and show the window again...
    It's really weird.
  12. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Is it possible to make a short video of this issue and post it here?
  13. ||xplorer

    ||xplorer Member

    How can I post a video? There is only options for URLs.
    JorgeP4 likes this.

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