After going through activation hell with MS I finally got Vista Ultimate activated under boot camp. But now I can no longer get in to Vista from Parallels using Desktop 3.0 Build 4560. Below are the log files I see requested in other posts. It takes me to a screen that says that Windows Vista did not start properly and asks me if I want to start vista in Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Normal etc. So it does see the bootcamp partition but my guess is there is a file or two that got changed or deleted somehow.
Any help please Parallels?
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:12.986]: find_bsd_win_parts: Win partition disk0s3 is not removable
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:13.029]: find_bsd_win_parts: Win partition disk0s3 is not removable
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:13.031]: Open: use default partition "disk0s3"
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:13.031]: Open: connected partition disk0s3
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:13.353]: find_bsd_win_parts: Win partition disk0s3 is not removable
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:13.356]: Open: use default partition "disk0s3"
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:13.356]: Open: connected partition disk0s3
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:13.371]: MakeMbr: adding to mbr partition (246038568, 66543200)
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:13.371]: carbon_unmount_vol: unmounting volume Untitled
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:16.998]: Open: Got an error when preparing [2:28]
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:16.998]: Open: booting into unknown OS
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:13.803]: extract_system_root_path() file "boot.ini" open error (DaAPIWrap error code 0x40011).
[09.08.2007]-[20:13:13.803]: extract_system_root_path() using default system root directory
BTW: Parallels is AWESOME! Keep up the fantastic work!
Update: After trying to boot Vista in to Safe Mode the last driver that tries to load before the parallels session closes is crcdisk.sys if that helps.
Last edited: Aug 10, 2007