CD/DVD 1, Network connection issues

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by StefanM18, Mar 11, 2023.

  1. StefanM18

    StefanM18 Bit poster

    I am not able to install Parallels on my mac. In the process of configuring everything, the system shows me the following windows Bildschirmfoto 2023-03-11 um 16.01.03.png Bildschirmfoto 2023-03-11 um 16.00.51.png from which I can't move forward. I would need help. Also the orange triangle indicates that I should install the toolbox, but it is already installed (newest version)
  2. Asish

    Asish Staff Member

    Hello @StefanM18, In some cases, when for some reason automatic installation is not used (or fails e.g. when some custom Windows ARM iso is used), and manual installation occurs, users may get stuck at the "Let's connect you to a network" message.
    Please follow the troubleshooting steps from this video link and check. If the issue still persists please reach us back again.

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