Client 18.1.0 published Apps not starting

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Mac' started by Lukasz5, Oct 19, 2021.

  1. Lukasz5

    Lukasz5 Bit poster

    I am using RAS client 18.1.0 and would like to connect to some published application provided by my company. In general I can build up a connection.
    From there I can easy RDP into th publish windows server. If I try to laugh a published application (putty) I can see that the session is loaded and then the window is closed without any error. In the log file I see connection build up.

    I am using iMac 24 with M1 processor and OS: 11.6.

    Any idea what this could be?
  2. johnh86

    johnh86 Bit poster

    you also make the other configuration file

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