Compatibility with macOS Ventura beta

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by HolgerF1, Jun 7, 2022.

  1. HolgerF1

    HolgerF1 Bit poster

    Good morning,

    Has anybody dared to try the latest beta and happens to know if Parallels still works? Would love to try the beta, but without Parallels it would be useless to have.
  2. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, Parallels Engineering team is testing Parallels Desktop for Mac and other products with macOS 13 Ventura Beta to ensure full support of macOS 13 Ventura as soon as it is released. Kindly follow this KB article to stay updated.
  3. andreigherghe

    andreigherghe Bit poster

    Just tried the latest Parallels version on MacBookPro16,1 (Intel i9), seems like it doesn't work out of the box.
    Approved system extensions, and tried reinstalling too.

    06-08 07:27:10.067 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Is executed with params 'service_start /Applications/Parallels'
    06-08 07:27:10.083 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Starting Parallels Dispatcher Service
    06-08 07:27:10.101 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Parallels Dispatcher Service is already running (pid:665)
    06-08 07:27:10.149 F /prldirs:1959:42aa/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1 ( DESKTOP ) build version: 17.1.4 (51567) Mon, 30 May 2022 23:30:20
    06-08 07:27:10.178 F /prldirs:1960:42ad/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1 ( DESKTOP ) build version: 17.1.4 (51567) Mon, 30 May 2022 23:30:20
    06-08 07:27:10.183 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Set 'root:wheel' as owners for /Applications/Parallels
    06-08 07:27:10.194 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Set correct permissions for /Applications/Parallels
    06-08 07:27:10.319 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Loading kernel extension prl_netbridge.kext
    06-08 07:27:14.222 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Failed to load kernel extension prl_netbridge.kext with error code 71
    06-08 07:27:14.222 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil load -p /Applications/Parallels -r /Applications/Parallels
    06-08 07:27:14.223 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Error Domain=KMErrorDomain Code=71 "Unsupported Error: one or more extensions are unsupported to load     Kext com.parallels.kext.netbridge v17.1.4 51567 in executable kext bundle com.parallels.kext.netbridge at /Library/StagedExtensions/Applications/Parallels
    06-08 07:27:14.223 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Unsupported Error: one or more extensions are unsupported to load     Kext com.parallels.kext.netbridge v17.1.4 51567 in executable kext bundle com.parallels.kext.netbridge at /Library/StagedExtensions/Applications/Parallels" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unsupported Error: one or more extensions are unsupported to load     Kext com.parallels.kext.netbridge v17.1.4 51567 in executable kext bundle com.parallels.kext.netbridge at /Library/StagedExtensions/Applications/Parallels
    06-08 07:27:14.223 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Unsupported Error: one or more extensions are unsupported to load     Kext com.parallels.kext.netbridge v17.1.4 51567 in executable kext bundle com.parallels.kext.netbridge at /Library/StagedExtensions/Applications/Parallels}
    06-08 07:27:14.223 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Clearing KEXT staging area...
    06-08 07:27:14.261 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ clearing all staged extensions...
    06-08 07:27:14.306 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Loading kernel extension prl_netbridge.kext
    06-08 07:27:17.882 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Failed to load kernel extension prl_netbridge.kext with error code 71
    06-08 07:27:17.882 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil load -p /Applications/Parallels -r /Applications/Parallels
    06-08 07:27:17.882 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Error Domain=KMErrorDomain Code=71 "Unsupported Error: one or more extensions are unsupported to load     Kext com.parallels.kext.netbridge v17.1.4 51567 in executable kext bundle com.parallels.kext.netbridge at /Library/StagedExtensions/Applications/Parallels
    06-08 07:27:17.883 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Unsupported Error: one or more extensions are unsupported to load     Kext com.parallels.kext.netbridge v17.1.4 51567 in executable kext bundle com.parallels.kext.netbridge at /Library/StagedExtensions/Applications/Parallels" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unsupported Error: one or more extensions are unsupported to load     Kext com.parallels.kext.netbridge v17.1.4 51567 in executable kext bundle com.parallels.kext.netbridge at /Library/StagedExtensions/Applications/Parallels
    06-08 07:27:17.883 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Unsupported Error: one or more extensions are unsupported to load     Kext com.parallels.kext.netbridge v17.1.4 51567 in executable kext bundle com.parallels.kext.netbridge at /Library/StagedExtensions/Applications/Parallels}
    06-08 07:27:17.885 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Loading kernel extension prl_vnic.kext
    06-08 07:27:21.550 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Loading kernel extension prl_hypervisor.kext
    06-08 07:27:25.223 F /service-wrap:1945:4281/ Loading kernel extensions exit status: 1
    06-08 07:27:25.261 F /vm:2022:440f/ ***** VM process started
    06-08 07:27:25.358 F /vm:2022:440f/ Vm args '/Applications/Parallels' '--mode' 'cache'
    06-08 07:27:25.358 F /vm:2022:440f/ VM Process is warming up
    06-08 07:27:25.358 F /vm:2022:440f/ ***** VM process exiting with code 0
  4. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Hello Andrei,
    Could you reproduce the issue once again and collect a tech report at the moment of reproduction as per Send us the ID of the report, please.
    Additional details on your use case would be appreciated too - did you just start the app or did the issues start to occur right after starting the virtual machine?
  5. toonetown

    toonetown Member

    What is the desired procedure for reporting issues with compatibility with Ventura (as a VM or as a host)? I understand it's not supported - and I wouldn't expect it to be working, but I would like to help out and send in reports as I encounter them (I have one issue that is readily reproducible on one VM).

    Since it's not supported, I don't think I would need to open a case or issue. I can send a report - but I also don't know if it is best to also post something on the forum with details for reproducing it, or if just sending in reports is fine. Basically, I'm just wondering what is the best approach for reporting issues related to Ventura.
  6. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    You'll greatly help us by reporting new issues you can find with Parallels Desktop and macOS 13 Ventura beta. It's definitely not needed to open a ticket with our Support Team but you can post your findings here. If you send a technical report, please duplicate its ID here - that would help us to find it quicker.
  7. Lago di Cuba

    Lago di Cuba Junior Member

    I just received an email from "the engineering team" for Mac stating two known Ventura bugs. In my recent experience the first issue has an easy solution, which I found online after 5 minutes of research:
    1 Windows virtual machine renders a black screen. No workaround yet

    The workaround for now, once the VM has booted and gone black screen, is to put your VM into "suspend". Then simply re-activate the suspended VM. Worked for me, first try. Running v. 17 on an M1 MBP/Ventura b1.
  8. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    In some cases - yes, it helps. But in some - no. Anyway, we'll add this information to the KB.
  9. CesareG1

    CesareG1 Bit poster

    Other workaround is to set "manual start" the service "Parallels Tools Service". You loose integrations service, but the VM works fine.
  10. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, thank you for sharing with us.
  11. FuenW

    FuenW Bit poster

    May you share how to approve the extension in Ventura? I can't find the option in the new system preference.
  12. Ram@Parallels

    Ram@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi, we have created a support ticket for you # 3516982, please wait for an email from support. thanks
  13. FlavioR3

    FlavioR3 Bit poster

    I have found a workaround to the black screen that worked for me in 3 different machines and it did not affect me in any negative way. Just disable share windows applications with Mac on the configuration for the VM.

    Attached Files:

  14. andreigherghe

    andreigherghe Bit poster

    Hello Mikhail,

    The use case was just starting Parallels after upgrading to Ventura, I couldn't get to the Control Center at all. I would just receive the Parallels dialog that "to complete installation you need to reboot". The log is attached in my first message.

    I tried reinstalling several times, with reboots in between, but nothing made it work. The macOS Kernel Extension dialog never showed up.

    I just tried disabling SIP, and after rebooting, I finally got the macOS Kernel Extension dialog asking me to approve it, while on the Parallels splash screen. There seems to be a bug in macOS as well, as I had to manually navigate to "Privacy and Security".

    After approving it and rebooting, Parallels moved past the splash screen and showed me the guide to approve the extensions, with another macOS dialog popping up. I guess it loaded the first kext on the first reboot and now moved on to another one.

    Then after the second approve & reboot I finally got to the control center :D Seems to be working as expected, with all the issues already mentioned by others.

    I tried re-enabling SIP but this just results in a macOS Dialog that says "the app developer needs to update the System Extension", during the first app splash screen, with no option to approve it. So I disabled SIP again and it worked without having to re-approve them.

    It should be the latest version, 17.1.4 (51567). I'd be happy to help in any way I can, if I can provide more information :)

    PS to others wanting to attempt this: Disabling SIP is dangerous and you should only do so only if you understand the implications. If you proceed make sure to re-enable it as soon as possible.
  15. CesareG1

    CesareG1 Bit poster

    yes, it works!
  16. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Thank you for this workaround! We've added it to KB .
    We've also fixed the issue with Free Systems not being available in the Installation Assistant wizard today!
  17. Ram@Parallels

    Ram@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi, we have created a support ticket for you # 3523912, please wait for an email from support. thanks
  18. MikeyWard

    MikeyWard Bit poster

    Brilliant! This has worked and remains working for me for hours now.
    Running macOS Ventura b1 as host on a MacBookPro18,4 (M1 Max), with fresh (installed by Parallels itself) Windows 11 guest.
  19. GreggV

    GreggV Bit poster

    Mine kept shutting down (failed reboots) fairly quickly. I just kept signing back in and it then progressed to installing and I got the Ventura colors on a log in screen. I thought I was home. but when I signed in it got this far and has frozen there for 5 hours. (apple on screen with progress bar at maybe 40%)

    Attached Files:

  20. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Kindly help us with the below details;
    What is the version of your host mac?
    What is the version of the Parallels Desktop?

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