I was using Parallel Toolbox, I was playing around it. when i clicked on hidden files option all files hidden. no file on the desktop and then click back on hidden files. it is not working anymore and i can able view all files on the desktop in hidden mode. please find the attachment for clarity. please some can help me out it is making me annoying whenever i am trying to upload any file when chosen desktop files are hidden mode no files are visible for upload.please me with this issue I am using macOS Catalina
Hello, If I correctly understand your files on desktop still be visible even after turning 'Hidden Files' on from Parallels Toolbox? Please do the next: - make sure that "Hidden Files" in ON in Parallels Toolbox: - run this command from Terminal and post output here: Code: defaults read com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles - then turn "Hidden Files" off - run same command from Terminal again and post output here
no. its not the problem. if i create a new folder or any pictures are added on the desktop then if i clicked on hidden files options on parallel toolbox files are invisible completely. if i click back on hidden files are invisible but in hidden mode and once all files in hidden mode and visible when i click on hide desktop no files are hidden its not working example in pictures
Hi Chris, We've reported the issue to developers. Could you reproduce the issue once again and generate a tech report as described in https://kb.parallels.com/124107 ? Send its ID in your reply. If you can make a short recording of the issue and send it to us, it'll be really helpful.
Assume the user has tried chflags nohidden and those defaults write commands. If still not working, clear the attributes for the folders. xattr -c ~/here