Is there a way to disable tablet support in PD14? It looks like it is causing issues with input lag (clicks are registered too late, drag action starts only after a certain distance, dragging windows is ... odd). And I don't care about pressure support inside the VM, so I'd rather have it emulated as good old plain mouse...
Hello SergeyS12. Pressure sensitivity support comes into play only when the tablet device is attached to Windows directly or when holding the Fn key down while the VM is in focus on a Mac computer with a trackpad. For ordinary mouse control, please shut Windows down, open the virtual machine configuration window, navigate to Hardware -> Mouse & Keyboard, select 'Don't optimize for games' for 'Mouse' and disable 'Mouse pointer sticks at window edges' and 'Smooth scrolling'. Close the window now and check for the issue again.
Not sure if it is correct though that the tablet has to be attached to Windows. If that would be the case, Wacom drivers would take over and show that the tablet is connected, which is not the case. Instead the tablet is "virtualized" as outlined in 14 release notes. In fact there is Parallels digitizer driver that could be disabled, which keeps a mouse working but turns off the tablet input method support completely. "Emulated" tablet and mouse/trackpad behave quite differently at the moment, and optimization settings don't have any effect.
While the issue(s) occurs (very important), kindly generate a Technical Data Report (enable the option 'Attach screenshots and other files' before generating the Technical Data Report) and reply with the report ID number. We'll then investigate.
We have sent you an email. You may reply to the same with the requested Technical Data Report. Thank you.
Hey, The report ID is 287954250 Here is the best way I can describe the lag issue: Tablet: - click and start dragging the scrollbar. Nothing happens until the pen moved a certain distance, and after that scrollbar "jumps". Note: the scrollbar is just for demonstration, this happens with every tap-and-drag action Touchpad: - click and start dragging the scrollbar - the scrollbar moves immediately with the cursor. Feels smooth. This did not happen in PD13, so it feels like the new tablet support had messed up the experience.
Hello SergeyS12, We are glad that the issue is resolved from the workaround provided in the support ticket, however We have escalated the issue you reported to the Engineering Team for investigation.
And what exactly is the solution? Since PD14, I have also had a negatively changed behavior when using a Wacom Drawpad.
Sorry for the late feedback. I'll try to describe it. Holding and pulling objects doesn't work properly. The moment you stop at a point, the object is simply released. So you can't use buttons where you have to keep pressed. With the mouse everything works as usual. See:
Thanks a lot for the provided info and video. Did you try to reinstall Parallels Tools and choose the option "optimize for games" in VM configuration -> Hardware -> Mouse and Keyboard?
No improvement, I'm afraid. Now the mouse pointer of the host and guest is asynchronous. With mouse everything is normal.