Drag and Drop stuck at Preparing Copy

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by pingaloca1, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. pingaloca1

    pingaloca1 Junior Member

    If I drag and drop from Windows 7 to Mac OS with more than 1 file and it is to overwrite the files it hangs at Preparing to copy. If its not to overwrite and the files are not at the destination, it copies the files fine. It seems to stem when the files will be overwritten. I'm running Snow Leopard and Paralles 5 with Windows 7 as the guest OS.
  2. Hannu Aronsson

    Hannu Aronsson Bit poster

    Same problem with XP

    I have the same problem with a XP virtual machine (Parallels 5, OSX 10.6.2). The reason seems to be the same, too.
  3. NikZ

    NikZ Bit poster

    Hello, All!
    Yes, this is a known issue. The problem will be fixed in the closest update.

    Temporary workaround is to turn on shared folders & "Share windows disks with MacOS" option.

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