HELP!!! Can't work Parallels and/or Windows XP anymore

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by haw3455, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. haw3455

    haw3455 Bit poster


    I have a MacBook OS X laptop and bought and installed Parallels two weeks ago. Then I had to install Windows XP (that I still had from my "old" Dell PC). I was able to use the software I had installed until yesterday. All of a sudden when I want to open Windows on my Mac I get this error message:

    [BVirtual machine cannot be started because of the follwoing problems:
    Parallels Desktop is unable to access the virtual hard disk image file /Users/heidiwalker/Documents/Parallels/Microsoft Windows XP/winxp.hdd.
    The file is missing, corrupted, or used by other applications

    What does this mean and what do I do now? I tried different things but I'm not getting anywhere. May I add that I'm not a techno wiz and had a hard time even installing Parallels and the Windows XP on my Mac.:mad:

    PLEASE HELP ME - I have bought expensive software that can only run with Windows and I'm totally stuck now.


    I would really appreciate your help:) .

  2. husnainlotia

    husnainlotia Bit poster

    Another First Time User

    I have just installed a free 15-day trial. I followed the instructions and everything worked fine. It opened the Windows window where you click your user name to start. I clicked, and the only response was "ctrl/alt to release mouse" Thats all it does. No further.

  3. husnainlotia

    husnainlotia Bit poster

    HEIDI, maybe you installed the 15-day trial, and your two weeks are up? In case you actually purchased the full version, I apologize. Just trying to help!
  4. husnainlotia

    husnainlotia Bit poster

    I'm answering my own post! It works fine! I was in too much of a hurry the first time!
  5. Mbx72

    Mbx72 Bit poster

    I have the same problem since upgrading to 3.0 (build 4128). Went to open Parallels, iMac completely crashed (shut down w/out rebooting)...then once I restarted the computer and tried to re-open the program, I got the same error message as Heidi:

    Have e-mailed Parallels several times about this but so far they haven't responded...
  6. edstorm

    edstorm Bit poster


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