Help with Boot Camp for Newbie!

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by darker times, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. darker times

    darker times Bit poster

    Hi to all

    This is my first post so let me apologise if this has been asked before, or is posted in the wrong area, but I have a problem with Parallels/Boot Camp.

    I have had Windows boot camp on my iMac now for nearly two years and it works fine when I boot into it. About six months ago (maybe longer) I downloaded the trial of Parallels 3.0 but did not bother to buy it after expiration as I did not use it as much as I thought I would. Now the situation has changed and I decided that I would buy a copy from amazon.

    As the original download was still on the iMac, I have just entered the new product key that came in the box into the existing programme. When I start Parallels now, I encounter the following problems.

    The icon in the dock turns into an egg timer and Parallels starts. A black screen appears and the words "Parallels Configuration" is highlighted and then the windows XP loading page appears. I then get the two tone blue windows page with the words "autoch' and something about session manager initiation process terminated. After this, I cannot go any further. If I try to press the start key again, I get the message "unable to open the disk image Boot Camp"

    Please could anyone help me resolve this problem.

    BTW, the build number for my version is 5584.....if that's any help!


  2. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

  3. darker times

    darker times Bit poster

    Thanks John

    As I am using Tiger, I cannot update to 2.1 for Boot Camp.

    I have solved the problem by booting into windows and removing SP3 and reverting to SP2. This has allowed me to use Parallels again.

    I take it that, until I upgrade to Leopard, I will not be able to update to SP3?

  4. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Yes, it is official Apple guidance,
    Service Pack 3, only in Boot Camp 2.x

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