I've installed build 4560 which has the image tool. And I have deleted the one snapshot that I made from my hard disk image (and so have none left for this drive). But when I select the disk in image tool to try to expand it I get the message: Image Tool is unable to process the file. The format of the hard disk image you selected is not supported in the current version. If the disk is used by one or more virtual machines that have snapshots, delete all the snapshots for these virtual amchines using Snapshot Manager and try again. Is there something else I should be doing? I though Image Tool was supposed to work with this latest build.
Image tool completed, but didn't increase disk size I am also trying to increase my Windows XP VM disk size. I used Image Tool to double the size from 8GB to 16GB and it completed successfully. The Configuration Editor says my Virtual Disk Size is 16GB. However the disk size is still 8GB in windows. The Windows Disk Manager shows the initial active 8GB space, and following it is an additional 8GB of "unallocated space". I suppose I could partition that and format it for another logical drive, but I want to simply increase the size of the original disk allocation. Does anyone have an idea how to accomplish this??? Thanks, Howard
Once you use Image Tool to increase the size you have to use something like Partition Magic (a Windows program) to increase the size of your Win partition to add the new free space to it. At least I found this to be so when using Image Tool with Parallels v. 2. Phil
Thanks Phil, I have that program and will try that. I wasn't sure if tools like Partition Magic would screw up the VM disk image or not. I was hoping the Image Tool would do the whole job as I had assumed when using it.
Actually it's expanding hdd files that Image Tool only supports in build 4560. If you have a plain disk you need to convert it to expanding before you will be able to increase its size, Image Tool in build 5060 (a beta version of Parallels) can do that. Read this post for instructions on how to resize your Windows partition after running Parallels Image Tool. Since you have already resized using Image Tool then start from the first step and just skip step 2. And yes, you could also instead if you want change the extra space into a partition.
I too am getting the message that image tools is unable to process the HDD file. This has happened on build 4560, and now on 5060. I've tried converting the image file to 'plain', but then trying to expand failed in the same way as it did when it was an expanding image. Anyone got any more ideas?