How to copy Windows 11 PC to an M2 laptop?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by EdgemontF, Jul 15, 2023.

  1. EdgemontF

    EdgemontF Member

    I use Parallels on Intel Macs but have a new M2 laptop. I'm trying to get my boss (who's a frustrated PC die-hard) to let me try installing Parallels on the M2 and putting his current Windows 11 inside. All the articles I find say you cannot migrate from Windows PC to an M of any sort. Is this still true?

    If so, is there a way for me to install Parallels and create a new VM on the M2, install Windows 11 on it, and somehow copy his PC files to it?

    I'm not the best with PC crazy system of hidden files, so not sure if I can just copy everything in his C: drive onto an external folder and then copy it into the C: of the new M2? Basically he's running Quickbooks and Office.

    Any help or guidance is appreciated. Thanks
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  2. Aries@PF

    Aries@PF Hunter

    You'll never be able to migrate an Intel based installation to an ARM / M-Series based platform. Sure, you can create a Win11 ARM VM in parallels and copy the user data over (or access via OneDrive perhaps), but the applications will have to be reinstalled ASSUMING they're compatible. If you're only worried about Quickbooks and Office, then you may just want to look into seeing if they have M-Series compatible versions. I know that in My testing I had the Office apps running fine, but IDK if you guys have an IT group with specific security requirements, etc that you'd need to contend with.

    TBH, when Apple changed to their own chips, they created an even wider gap in compatibility in their aim at increased performance. Hell, you can't even run older MacOS VMs on the M-Series (why I sold mine), so you'd Still need an Intel Mac for that.
  3. EdgemontF

    EdgemontF Member

    Thanks so much for your reply. I know a friend installed Windows 11, Office 265 and Quickbooks Desktop into her M2 with no problem. Then I think I can just copy over needed files & folders.
  4. Aries@PF

    Aries@PF Hunter

    Cool, if someone's basically already tested things (I kind of expect all major companies to already be coding for M series by now), then that'll give you a good path. The data files shouldn't be that big of a deal and the MFG likely has a migration path for it on their site.

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