how to improve battery life macOS Sierra and Windows 10 (Parallels 13 Pro)

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by derek68, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. JayS7

    JayS7 Bit poster

    I am sorry that will not work for you. May I ask why you are running a server on a portable?
  2. CrismarP

    CrismarP Bit poster

    I am having the same issue, please take a look at the file.
    Waiting for your quick response
  3. Joe555

    Joe555 Bit poster

    Hi, Im facing the similar battery issue. I'm getting an avg of 3 hours/charge. I did send over battery log file. would like hear your feedback on this matter

  4. DavidB56

    DavidB56 Bit poster

    I am getting aprox. 3 hours on my 2015 era MBP.
    275260318 is technical report #
  5. ParallelsU160

    ParallelsU160 Bit poster

    I have the same problem, but worse. Running Parallels Desktop and launching a Mint Linux VM will actually drain my battery while the device [Macbook Pro - 2015] is plugged in. Parallels team need to really start looking into the power consumption issues. While I deeply appreciate the performance [speed] advantages of parallels over VMWare Fusion, I can't live with a product that drains my battery dry within minutes.
  6. ParallelsU167

    ParallelsU167 Bit poster

    I have found that an exe called Rudy is keeping the windows processor at 50%. Its called Rudy Interpreter. Another forun said this was needed to run VM's. With our CPU running at 50% constantly we have a huge Battery drain. Can Parallels fix this?
  7. GeoffreyE

    GeoffreyE Bit poster

    Same problem here. 2 hour use on MacBook Pro 2016/Parallels 12/Win 10. Is there no general answer without submitting data to support? Seems too be a bigger issue, not idiosyncratic to particular machine configuration.
  8. AnnaD

    AnnaD Bit poster

    Dmitry - Can you clarify where the help menu is to send technical data? I'm having serious trouble with my battery life on my mac after installing parallels - even when I'm not using parallels it effects my mac battery life. Here's the battery.log file:
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2018
  9. GeoffreyE

    GeoffreyE Bit poster

    7 hours? How? I have never had more than 2.5 using Excel/Windows/Parallels. I have a brand new 2018 MacBook Pro 32 gb Ram, Parallels 14, M/S 10 fresh download and updated and boom......... Parallels shows Requires high performance GPU 2.5 hrs life (tops). Appreciate any insight on how to extend this life.

    Attached Files:

  10. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi, sure, please see this KB how to send a tech data report:
  11. Rob11

    Rob11 Bit poster

    I'm researching Parallels Desktop 14 (trial version) on a MBP (mid 2014 model) with Windows 10 installed. I was looking for a solution for the battery drainage when running Parallels with Windows. Over a period of 12 hours Parallels has an energy impact of 42,79% (see screen-print) (with Travel mode on). Any clue what the cause can be in either Parallels 13/14?
    The battery indicator went from 87% to 37% in ~1,5 hour.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2019
  12. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi @Rob11, can you please also check Windows 10 Task Manager > Processes tab, check 'Power usage' column, are there any applications with medium/high power usage?
    Can you please send us technical report once you notice high energy impact by Parallels Desktop in Activity Monitor?
    Go to Help menu > Send Technical Data... Please reply with the report ID.
  13. CodyD1

    CodyD1 Bit poster

    Same boot, running a brand new macbook pro and walked into a meeting with full battery, 1 hour later I'm down to 50% battery with all power savings turning on in the mac setting
  14. SoufianeR

    SoufianeR Bit poster

    Hi, I am running Windows 10 on a brand new 2018 MacBook Pro (2.7 GHz booster jusque 4,3, 16GB Ram, dual video cards) and am finding that when running the VM, with only light use in either MacOS or Windows, I am only getting about 2 - .5 hours battery life from a full charge. This is only email, web browsing and some excel work. The MacBook Pro should be getting 9-10 hours (according to Apple) based on this type of usage.
  15. SoufianeR

    SoufianeR Bit poster

    I have a #macbook pro 2018 15 pouce .
    I downloaded the first parallel and my #battery was bleeding heavily and too much heat.The amount of energy consumed is more than 300 energy and Apple he is changed this computer.
    Now I want to help download #parallels desktop or #parallels desktop lite.I want to be compatible of my computer.
    Better if any of the support to talk him about this and thank you for your help.
    Waiting for your prompt reply
  16. JayG4

    JayG4 Bit poster

    I had poor battery life just using MS Word in the Windows 10 VM. My Mac says the High Performance GPU is activated whenever the VM is running and the heat from the laptop backs this up. Is there a way to prevent the High Performance GPU draining battery when just using MS Word?
  17. Bruce Reynolds

    Bruce Reynolds Bit poster

    I tried JayS7 suggestion to turn off Cortana and all my battery issues went away. They had been plaguing me for about 6 months when I purchased a new MacBook Pro and the battery life I was used to all these years with previous machines went away. Windows settings Cortana fixed the issue.
    Maria@Parallels likes this.

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