Make sure you select install in the Parallel Menu. Open a console in SuSE. Type the following commands in the console sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom sudo sh /media/cdrom/ you might want to do a cd /media/cdrom just to make sure I'm not mistaken in the shell script name.
When I select to install Parallels Tools Suse sees the disc as a blank CD with no content on it. What am I doing wrong? - Tim.
Have you tried my instructions? Did you make sure you selected the Install parallel tools in the Parallel Menu?
My problem was that there was no /media/cdrom directory to mount the /dev/cdrom to. Once I created the directory all worked well as per the instructions above.
I'm using the Parallels Virtual Appliance (PVA) of OpenSUSE. Whenever I try to use Sudo to install the Parallels tools, it asks me for the root password, which is conveniently a SECRET! How do I find out what this mysterious root password is by default???
sudo is prompting you for YOUR password. The idea is your account should be authorised to perform various admin functions.
I had the same problem as tim80 -- no 'media/cdrom' directory. When I tried to create it, it failed with a 'Permission denied' reply. I have tried to find a way to give myself permission to modify the 'media' folder, but have not been able to figure it out. Any idea how I can do this? THANKS!