Install Windows Vista as guest on Parallels 18 with Apple Silicone

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by JamesO13, Jul 31, 2023.

  1. JamesO13

    JamesO13 Bit poster

    I just installed Parallels on a MacBook Pro M2 Max and I'd like to run a VM with Windows Vista/Longhorn. I must be missing something because when I try to install from the iso images I have, I get an error message "Unable to detect operating system."

    My understanding was that I should be able to run the old x86 OS on Apple Silicone using emulation. Is that correct? If so, what am I missing in terms of getting this setup?

    If it's not possible to use Parallels to run Vista, suggestions about alternatives would be welcome!
  2. Aries@PF

    Aries@PF Hunter

    Best Answer
    You're only able to install OSes that natively run on the same platform. Since Silicone Macs run on an ARM design, you'd have to use an ARM based OS.
    MatthewR20 likes this.
  3. Trishna Oobeyram

    Trishna Oobeyram Staff Member

    Hello @JamesO13
    Unfortunately, Windows Vista is not supported on Parallels Desktop for Mac with M1 or M2 chips.
    Only Windows 11 Pro and Enterprise version is available.
    You can find more information here.
  4. Aries@PF

    Aries@PF Hunter

    Best Answer
    You're only able to install OSes that natively run on the same platform. Since Silicone Macs run on an ARM design, you'd have to use an ARM based OS.
    MatthewR20 likes this.

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