Has anyone been able to activate Parallels Desktop for Mac version 3 with a trial key? I'm a registered user and requested a trial key to evaluate the new build. Parallels sent me one, but it doesn't work. I get this message: The activation key cannot be used with the current version of the Parallels Desktop! Gee, thanks. I requested a new trial key, but to no avail. I'm downloading beta 4 of VMWare Fusion right now. If Parallels doesn't get their support act together, I'll probably switch.
I had this error with the first key I got, I guess the systems weren't updated yet because the email title had the word "Beta" in it. However, when I requested a second key it worked perfectly fine.
DsurioN, thanks for the reply. Did you request the second key via the software interface, via the web site, or via email?
I requested my second key on the website, the same way as the first. I believe clicking on the trial key link in the software just redirects you to the website. This is the link I used: http://www.parallels.com/en/profile/getkey/desktop good luck!
Hey, thanks. I ended up registering as a new user and requesting a key, which was sent instantaneously. Anyway, I seem to be up and running now. Thanks again for your help.