Is there a way to stop a post-update reboot, rather than just postpone?

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by DavidF75, Jul 2, 2024.

  1. DavidF75

    DavidF75 Bit poster

    When I'm trying to work, and having to hit postpone - or worse, go make a drink and return to find half my windows closed and the others asking if I want to save - multiple times is incredibly annoying.

    I'd like to keep to auto-update, I just want it to leave it me to reboot when I'm ready, not it, and I don't want it nagging me every half hour or so.

  2. Adeboye Adeotan

    Adeboye Adeotan Staff Member

    Hello David,

    Kindly confirm if you are referring to your Windows virtual machine and the installation of Parallels Tools after an update of your Parallels Desktop application on your Mac (not to be confused with Parallels Toolbox )
  3. DavidF75

    DavidF75 Bit poster

    Hi Adeboye,

    It's the tools, sorry, I've popped this in the wrong subforum!

    Is there a setting where I can get it to reboot on my timeline?

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