Java inside a MacOS guest?

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by jcmmass, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. jcmmass

    jcmmass Bit poster

    I have Parallels Desktop 8 and a Retina MacBook Pro. Parallels has been working fine with various Windows 7 and Linux guests.

    The problem I'm having is with a Mac OS guest that I just setup (Mountain Lion inside Mountain Lion). Java won't work inside the guest. I downloaded and installed the JVM from but I can't get any aspect of Java to work (for example the java control panel crashes instead of opening).

    Has anyone seen or resolved a similar issue? I don't see any similar reports so I'm about to blow away the VM and recreate it from scratch in case it's a fluke.
  2. jcmmass

    jcmmass Bit poster

    After re-installation Java was still broken in my guest.

    I did find a workaround that solved my immediate problem. This describes how to turn off Java 7 and use Apple's Java 6 instead.
  3. jnelson

    jnelson Bit poster

    I have a 15" rMBP and parallels 8. I recently created a fresh mountain lion guest to experiment with Java and retina. My experience was that every version of java I tried "worked." That includes various revisions of apple's 1.6 and the most recent oracle 1.7 update 9(?).

    On the host mountain lion, apple's java is clearly superior for HiDPI resolutions as it gives you nice crisp graphics while oracle's 1.7 does not. In the guest VM HiDPI is not supported, so it really didn't matter.

    I understand the above doesn't answer your question, really, other than to say, everything worked fine with every version of Java I installed. Have you tried installing ML fresh and before doing anything installing java? I suspect your installation might be broken rather than parallels being broken...
  4. jcmmass

    jcmmass Bit poster

    thanks, I may give it another try from scratch soon.

    I'm setting up Mountain Lion using the machine creation wizard and "install from the recovery partition".

    - First attempt failed in the Apple installation utility. I deleted the VM and started over.
    - Second attempt to install ML succeeded and Java was broken. I realized that the parallels tools weren't installed and installed them. Java was still broken though. I deleted the VM and started over.
    - Third attempt ML install worked. I installed the parallels tools first thing. I then downloaded and installed java 7 ( but it didn't work. I found the workaround to force Java 6 and I was able to solve my immediate problems.
    - Fourth attempt will happen eventually. I may end up using my Win 7 VM instead, although I was hoping not to.

    My use case is that I want to install VPN software (juniper/cisco etc...) inside a virtual machine since the software tends to be really invasive.
  5. dannyw13

    dannyw13 Bit poster

    Any new updates on this?

    I have the same issue. The workaround from the Apple KB article didn't work either. I've tried on multiple VM's of ML in the latest version of Parallels 8.0.18354 and in each case whenever I open the Java control panel it crashes. Crash attached.

    Attached Files:

  6. jcmmass

    jcmmass Bit poster

    My crash is also in Java2D Queue Flusher. I think we are pretty definitely hitting the same problem.

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