Known Parallels NAT & NFS issue?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by dnewman, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. dnewman

    dnewman Bit poster

    Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac, Build 4128.

    Am wondering if there is a known issue with the Parallels NAT interface as
    regards handling of NFS. If I use bridged ethernet mode, then from within
    the virtual machine (Solaris 11 sxde), I can mount an NFS share just fine
    from the OS X host. However, if I'm running in NAT mode I get the error
    "client credential too weak" when attempting to mount the NFS share. I
    find that I have to run mountd with the -n switch on the OS X host.... It's
    as if the NAT translation of the NFS client request is slightly off and it no
    longer appears as a NFS mount request from the root user. (I suppose I
    could do some tcp packet dumps to confirm.)

    So is this a known issue? FWIW, all mounts are done as root from the
    virtual machine. In each case I am using the correct IP address for the
    OS X host (the "real" IP in bridged mode, and the Parallels Guest-Host IP
    when running in NAT mode). And the behavior is independent of whether
    I use NFS over TCP or UDP. Am not running the firewall on the OS X client
    and as such blockage of port 2049 is not an issue.

  2. dnewman

    dnewman Bit poster

    To clarify: the OS X host is the NFS server; the NFS client is the Parallels
    virtual machine. The virtual machine is mounting an NFS share served
    by the OS X host.

  3. Harald

    Harald Bit poster

    The NATing in Parallels seems to only map ports above 1024 (non-privileged ports).
    When connecting from a SuSE VM to an NFS Server the mount will fail. This is due to the fact that the NFS server requires a source port 111 as a privilged port for security reasons.

    Parallels NAT seems to map the source port above 1024 and therefore the connection fails.

    A workaround could be to reconfigure the NFS Server and to allow unprivileged ports with the insecure option.

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