Last Official Released Transporter/Agent (version 1434): for Mac: included in build 5160 of Parallels Desktop for Mac ( Desktop 5160 Mac en.dmg) for Win: Last avaliable Beta version of Transporter for Linux (version 1412) : for Lin :
Well, I think it is just about time that a Transporter version suitable for the official Parallels Desktop last version (build 5582) be released... Thanks, gracias, merci, danke, obrigado, grazie ! Jacky
Finding Parallels Transporter Why is it so difficult to find a download link for Parallels Transport on the main Parallels website?
which version for? for 4 for 3
Link has been error. I can't access it. Desktop 5160 Mac en.dmg ->
HI, To import your data you must first install the Parallels Transporter Agent software on the Windows PC. To install Parallels Transporter Agent: Do one of the following: If you purchased a physical copy of Parallels Desktop, insert the Parallels Desktop installation DVD into your Windows PC. If the installation doesn't start automatically, locate and double-click the Parallels Transporter Agent.exe file on the disc. Download Parallels Transporter Agent for Windows from the Parallels website at and double-click the installation file. If your computer is connected to the Internet, Parallels Transporter Agent checks for available updates. If an update is available, click Download and Install New Version. Follow the onscreen instructions to install Parallels Transporter Agent. best formal shirt