License Activation Limit

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by ScottB43, Jan 9, 2023.

  1. ScottB43

    ScottB43 Bit poster

    What kind of piss poor programming is this? License activation limit?! Just deactivate my old device! I'm so glad I didn't upgrade to 17.x (which has been pushed on me) or 18. I paid for a license. I should not have any hinderance in using that license. No matter how many times I have to activate because my laptop needed servicing or I had to reinstall the OS. And then my support options are limited based on my license, which I shouldn't NEED support for because I should able to activate! So now I have work to get done and I'm sitting here waiting for a reply on FACEBOOK?! Now I'm going to spend time checking out Fusion or Virtualbox so I don't have to worry about this waste of a software in the future.

    Parallels support... REPLY ON FACEBOOK OR DM ME so I can get this resolved in the meantime. Then fix your issue so others don't have to deal with this same thing.

    Attached Files:

  2. DavidS154

    DavidS154 Bit poster

    I need Parallels 10 deactivated as well. I can't install on a new machine. Please assist
  3. Trishna Oobeyram

    Trishna Oobeyram Staff Member

    Hello Scott,
    We would like to offer our apologies for the inconvenience caused.
    We have reset the activation limit for your license key.
    Please try to activate your Parallels Desktop again.
  4. Trishna Oobeyram

    Trishna Oobeyram Staff Member

    Hello David,
    Thank you for reaching out to Parallels.
    We have reset the activation limit for your Parallels Desktop 10 license key.
    Please try to activate your Parallels Desktop again.
  5. DavidS154

    DavidS154 Bit poster

    Hey- that didn't work, it stall says "Maximum number of activations reached" Please help, this has taken weeks to get even this far with support.
  6. DavidS154

    DavidS154 Bit poster

    I don't need support, I just need the license deactivated so I can move it to a new machine. No upgrade thanks. You're doing it for many others in these forums, please include me.
  7. DavidS154

    DavidS154 Bit poster

    Helloooooooooo? Deactivate my Parallels 10 please. That's the only version that will run on my legacy machine and I paid for it!
  8. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Replied in private messages.

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