Lines not visible in Rhino 8 & workaround

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by RobT6, Jul 11, 2024.

  1. RobT6

    RobT6 Bit poster

    We run the latest version of Parallels Desktop and Windows 11 Pro
    if we use Rhino 7 everything works fine but if we use Rhino 8 we run into the issue that all lines we draw disappear as soon as we make them.
    So we can see the while making them but as soon as we click a second time they are not visible.
    They are not really gone because we are able to select them.
    if we add the boot flag video.gl4=0, which we found in another post from an issue someone had last year in Rhino 7, it works normally.
    Please fix this problem in the next update, for now the workaround works
  2. RobT6

    RobT6 Bit poster


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