Mac desktop cloned on W11

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by RandyL1, Nov 19, 2022.

  1. RandyL1

    RandyL1 Bit poster

    I installed W11 using Parallels 18 (very easy, thank you). Now all of my Mac desktop files are also on the W11 desktop. These W11 files are not links or copies because if I delete a file from the W11 desktop it also deletes from my Mac desktop; if I create a folder to collect them on the W11 desktop that folder and its contents also appear on the Mac desktop.

    How can I get rid of the Mac desktop files on the W11 desktop without removing them from my Mac desktop?
  2. Aries@PF

    Aries@PF Hunter

    Turn off the option to be able to see Mac files in the VMs settings. One of the first things I turn off because I use it as an isolated OS.
  3. RandyL1

    RandyL1 Bit poster

    That would work, but what worked better was discovering that the W11 home page was set to be my Mac home page by default. So it was my actual Mac desktop. All I had to do was change the W11 home page to C:/[me]/desktop (using the properties dialog box) and all was well.
  4. Aries@PF

    Aries@PF Hunter

    Weird, must be a setting I don't touch or already disable.

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