Mac: user-adjustable low disk space warning

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by MatthiasE5, Oct 28, 2023.

  1. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter

    I'd really appreciate a feature that would check the free disk space once a day or so, informing me if it falls below a certain limit. For example, I would set it to inform me if less than 200GB are free on my 1TB drive.
    It's of relevance to be informed about the disk situation, for example because: ...
    - Parallels Snapshots may take a lot of space and it's good to know early in advance that one is about to run low on disk space
    - Permanent low disk space is not so good for the SSD
    - VMs are typically quite large in size, and some users may also work with e.g. video files etc that are also large --> early warning on the disk space situation can be nice.
    - If there's any other program that can do that, please do suggest.
    MatthewR20 likes this.

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