Major Mouse Issues

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Eric_Kalpakoff, Dec 16, 2014.

  1. Jesse1

    Jesse1 Bit poster

    I purchased Parallels Version 11.0.0 (31193) today and used it for few hours.
    I think the bug has been resolved already.
  2. enriquein

    enriquein Junior Member

    Same experience here. It seems to be working the same way it used to work in Parallels 9. Yay!
  3. enriquein

    enriquein Junior Member

    I take that back. The behavior is still there, it's just less noticeable. I'll probably continue using it throughout the day and consider downgrading tomorrow if it continues to be a hassle.
  4. enriquein

    enriquein Junior Member

    Are any of you using BetterTouchTool as well?
  5. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    Looks fixed for me, but I can only test in 1 machine as all the others dont start with the error operating system error.
  6. JimW1

    JimW1 Bit poster

    Just upgraded to 11, and it appears to be fixed for me! This was my simple repro case in version 10, which now doesn't repro in 11:

    My simple test is to just click and drag in the desktop of the VM. That produces a dotted rectangle showing the selection area as you drag. If I initially click or drag into the top 40 pixels of the screen, that's when I see the mouse problem, as the drag rectangle goes away and selects whatever was in the rectangle at that point, as if I had released the mouse, but then it starts a new drag rectangle at the new location. It only happens if I click/drag into that top 40 pixels. I doesn't happen in VMware with an identical test.​
  7. oztrev

    oztrev Member

    Playing with the Optimise for games/Don's Optimise/Auto-detect mouse setting, then rebooting the VM fixed it for me in Parallels 10. Hasn't happened in Parallels 11 ... yet :)
  8. TomW5

    TomW5 Bit poster

    I find Parallels 11 still has mouse issues. Seem to get worse the longer the VM has been on for. Sometime I left-click my task bar and Parallels actually ends up sending a right-click. This happens rarely and randomly. I also have muse issue when dragging windows between monitors. When you consider that this is the primary use-case of Parallels, you'd think they'd better test their products and give issues like these higher priority.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
  9. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    ehh. I'm starting to notice the same differences. Wish there was a fix. You'd think the mouse working would be a top priority. I'll submit ticket and recommend you do the same. After all that's why you pay so much. To get good support.
  10. TomW5

    TomW5 Bit poster

    Yeah I just came back from VMware Fusion hoping this stuff would all be fixed. It seems they fix one issue only to create another. The main problem I had with VMware Fusion was the CPU usage was consistently higher which would spin up my laptop fan and tend to bog things down a bit. The lack of caps lock synchronization with fusion was also a bit irritating. I wish these two vendors would learn from each other a little. It's the same with Windows and OS X. They need to copy each other more. They do in other industries like the automotive industry and the results are great for consumers.
  11. DeC1

    DeC1 Bit poster

    I am having similar issues, Parallels Desktop 13 running Win10 inside OSX. Gaming mode, full screen. Mouse leaps around sometimes, and most of the time I can't even get a dotted-rectangle selection box inside apps. Stock USB gaming mouse.
  12. MikeM19

    MikeM19 Bit poster

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2018
  13. James Minnihan

    James Minnihan Member

    Mouse is totally unusable now... What a piece of crud this software is! It used to be just multiple display issues, but now with version 13.2.0, they really messed up the mouse activity now. In all display modes on a 4K monitor the mouse will arbitrarily select something on the screen. Many cases the Notification Center will slide out even though I didn't select the right edge of the monitor screen.
  14. pjstrand

    pjstrand Bit poster

    I have Parallels 14 and Windows 10, and it is still the same 3-4 years later... Very annoying!!!
  15. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, please provide us with the details step-by-step instruction in order to reproduce an issue on our side. Thanks in advance.
  16. pjstrand

    pjstrand Bit poster

    If you are on a page with lots of text, on the Mac, you are able to highlight the text and then use the scroll wheel to scroll down to where you would like to stop. You cannot do this in the VM. Another mouse issue is when using my Logitech mouse, I have some of the buttons programmed for Cut, Copy and Paste. These all work fine on the Mac, but when in the VM, they will not work correctly if Cap Lock is on.
  17. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    You've already tried these steps, right?
  18. pjstrand

    pjstrand Bit poster

    Yes... It has been this way on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 and several versions of Parallels. And on several different machines.
  19. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    OK, and could you please let me know which mode are you using with your VM (coherence, full screen or window mode) And also please create a problem report right after the issue reproduced. Plz check this KB article for more info about problem report creation and reply us back with the report number.
  20. Paris Beauty

    Paris Beauty Bit poster

    I just upgraded to Parallels 10 and I'm experiencing this too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2019

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