Minimize all windows

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by AndrewA4, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. AndrewA4

    AndrewA4 Bit poster

    One feature I love in the newer Windows platforms is the ability to minimize all windows with a click and show the desktop. This has been a feature I have been dying to have on my Mac.
    PhilippM4, utku1, NickR4 and 5 others like this.
  2. FrederikP

    FrederikP Bit poster

    Close down / minimise all windows to clear memory and/or display desktop.
  3. ParallelsU447

    ParallelsU447 Bit poster

    It appears this has arrived as a new feature 'Show Desktop' (which I really really like so far). My suggestion is to allow assigning a user-defined hotkey for this feature; I use it a lot.
  4. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    Yes, indeed - Show Desktop tool in version 4.0 can either hide or quit all applications, making it easy to get to the desktop with a single click. You can also set up a keyboard shortcut to activate this tool in Toolbox preferences!

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