Mount Windows Drive from terminal

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by malczu, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. malczu

    malczu Bit poster

    Hi Guys

    I do access windows drive in Parallels from terminal. It is mounted in /Volumes/DriveName. But when I start parallels and work in Windows this drive is not mounted. I have to open finder and open Shared/WM Name to make it work. After I open it in finder it's properly mounted in terminal. How can I mount it directly from terminal to avoid the step of opening finder? Second question is, if I can change the mount point name since it's like "[C] Name" and i would like to name it differently?

  2. malczu

    malczu Bit poster

    Since I haven't found a way to make sure it's mounted and to change the mount point from Parallels, I have written small zsh function to unmount /Volumes/DriveName and mount it somewhere else (home folder). Here it is:

    function dbwc() {
    umount "/Volumes/\[C\]\ DevBoxWindows/" 2&>/dev/null
    mount_smbfs -N "//Guest:mad:DevBoxWindows._smb._tcp.local/%5BC%5D%20DevBoxWindows" ~/devboxwindows
    cd ~/devboxwindows/code

    It unmounts Paralles windows guest C drive from /Volumes if it's mounted, then mount it in home folder

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