Need advice on configuration issue.

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by JohnSAE, May 8, 2007.

  1. JohnSAE

    JohnSAE Bit poster

    Thanks for reading this. Any insight on trouble I may cause myself would be greatly appreciated.

    MacBook Pro
    Parallels Build 3188
    WinXP SP2

    Basically I need seperate configurations for the same VM, to be used at different times by my user. The first is with Bridged Networking used while in the office on the wire. (allows connection\validation to domain).

    The second configuration is with Shared networking, when my user is out of office and gaining internet connection via a verizon card in the smartcard bay. (When in bridged mode, Win XP does not see the verizon card, and therefore does not see the internet connection.)

    Here is what I did:
    Copied the .PVS file in the User\Documents\Parallels\Machine name path.
    Created a desktop alias off of each .PVS file.
    Configured one with Bridged networking, the other with sahred.

    Seems to work OK both start the same VM with appropriate configuration. Anybody want to comment on any potential issues this may cause?


  2. Mike@Parallels

    Mike@Parallels Hunter


    This is Ok, but not very safety. Backup your Hdd file please. Also dont leave VM in suspend mode. You have to shut down it every time. And you cant use both PVS ay the same time.

    Best regards,
  3. JohnSAE

    JohnSAE Bit poster

    Multiple Configurations of same VM

    Thanks Mike. That is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. I think I will just teach the user to make the change when starting the VM.

    This particular user is the big boss, so I like to make things as easy for him as possible, in as few steps as possible. Unless anybody else out there has any other ideas on how to accomplish what I am trying to do?

    How about the whole idea of multiple aliases starting the same VM with different configuration settings? Anybody else need something like that - should I put it into the wish list forum?

  4. Mike@Parallels

    Mike@Parallels Hunter

    Post this feature in wish list. And if it will be high rated we will try to make such options.

    Best regards,
  5. msimpson

    msimpson Bit poster

    How can we move this to the wish list?

    I have the same request. My boss' machine needs to be bridged for the in-office wireless and shared for the verizon express card. Remembering to change the networking settings is one step beyond her technical comfort zone, and if there was any way to make it automatic, life would be much easier for both of us.

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