Networking/OS Features I need

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by tangential, Apr 20, 2006.

  1. tangential

    tangential Member

    Let me start by saying that I am very impressed with this product and it is shaping up nicely. I hope these are taken as helpful suggestions/requests.

    I've been working with VMWare, Bochs, QEMU for many years and there are several features which they have that would be great in this product. Some are simple (I would guess) and some are not.

    When I open a config which is suspended, it should show me which real NIC the virtual NIC is connected to right on the main Parallels screen.

    I should be able to disconnect and reconnect devices/files underneath a running VM. In VMW for example, I can switch which network device(s) a running VM is connected to.

    I need more than 1 nic so that I can always have a host-only connection via a consistent IP to my MBP, regardless of where I am and what network I am on.

    I'd also like that Host-Only connection to NAT, but that is a much lower priority for me.

    Finally, I'd like the same mouse and cut&paste behavior for my linux clients as I have with XP (plus I'd like cut & paste even in XP to work better.)
  2. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    Thank you for the very detailed and thought-out feedback! We will discuss your suggestions and take it into account.

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