Networking questions

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by mattyb, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. mattyb

    mattyb Bit poster

    This thread was moved from " Parallels Desktop for Mac > General Questions".


    I'm connected to the Internet using PPPoE, I shutdown the Mac each night so (and yes I will verify this from now on) I presume that I'm getting a new IP address each time that I start up.

    I've installed Parallels Desktop 3 for Mac (Build 5582) and I've got CentOS - Red Hat clone - running in a VM. Install was fine, finally got the VM to work with 1G of memory with the agp=off parameter in /etc/grub.conf. I'm using 10.4.11 BTW

    Problem is, is that I cannot get the VM to connect to the Internet. I've tried Bridged Ethernet, Host-only Networking and Shared Networking (Network Address Translation). I've set the IP address in the VM and I've tried DHCP. When I try and connect to it either searches and searches and searches or I get the standard Firefox cannot connect message.

    What I'd really like is to be able to have a fixed IP address for the VM. Any ideas wuld be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2007
  2. mattyb

    mattyb Bit poster

    Late last night I got it working. I must have missed something in my earlier tests because I did nothing special to get Internet access from the virtual machine : DHCP and using Shared networking (NAT).

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