"No Boot Device found" while booting parallel through Bootcamp Partition

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by mkarthi_mr, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. mkarthi_mr

    mkarthi_mr Bit poster

    When I am trying to boot parallels through Bootcamp, I am getting an error " No Boot Device Found" with popup says "There is no operating system installed in the virtual machine" & asks for the windows installation disc. Bootcamp boots fine natively into Win XP SP2. I tried by formatting the windows in FAT32 & NTFS. I tried in Mac OS 10.4.11 & Mac OS 10.5.1. I am working in this issue for around 4 days, but unable to resolve it. I tried even in MacbokPro & iMac. I am using Parallel Desktop3.0 build 5582.My machine is up to date. Can anyone help regarding this. Its very important & also need to be done quickly. Please someone help me
  2. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    How did you set-up your VM in Parallels?
  3. mkarthi_mr

    mkarthi_mr Bit poster

    VM Configuration

    I am going to file , new selecting using bootcamp option.
  4. oddBeat

    oddBeat Bit poster

    anyone knows how to make boot camp partition works on parallels?
  5. Scobbie

    Scobbie Bit poster

    I also had this problem

    I have had this problem too. There doesn't seem to be any obvious solution, although it did go away after some time only to return later and then go away again! Try moving your current virtual machine data from the folder 'username/documents/parallels/Virtual_Machine_Name' by moving the entire Virtual_Machine_Name folder elsewhere. Then create a new VM from scratch. This may or may not work. Good luck. If you find a permanent solution please post it here!
  6. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    You can always try just making a new VM pointing at the BootCamp.
  7. Asif

    Asif Bit poster

    Has any one found a permanent solution to this "no boot device found" problem yet?
  8. MombasaFlash

    MombasaFlash Bit poster

    Wonderful idea - waste of money

    You have my sympathies. I thought it would be perfect to buy Parallels 3 and access Windoze on the Boot Camp partition without having to either reboot into Boot Camp or install Windoze again, but having paid the money (three weeks ago) I have got precisely nowhere.

    I have absolutely no idea whatsoever how to get Parallels to start up from that Boot Camp partition. I get a message about an unknown network adapter but there is no clear and comprehensible explanation in the User Guide about what this means or how to fix it.

    Parallels Support has been slim and vague.

    What a waste of money.
  9. Asif

    Asif Bit poster

    "No Boot Device found" error solution


    I managed to fix the "no boot device found" error on my macbook after some trial and errors. Visit My Blog for detailed description of how I fixed it. I am not sure if my solution is applicable to others having the same problem. Nevertheless, no harm checking if you did the same mistakes that I did.

    Good luck!

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  10. MombasaFlash

    MombasaFlash Bit poster

    Fixed it eventually

    Thanks for your response.

    In fact I did manage to get it working in the end but only after using TinkerTool to make invisible files visible so that I could track down every single thing related to Parallels and delete it. The regular Uninstall application does not get rid of everything and it was apparently one or more of these normally invisible files that was preventing the BootCamp partition from being seen.

    After deleting everything I could find, I restarted and reinstalled Parallels and it all worked just like it said on the label.

    However, just like SheepShaver which allows you to run Mac OS9 on an Intel Mac, I found Parallels inadequate. The video response is far too slow although I am told by a gent at Parallels that they are working on this for a future update. I hope they manage it for version 3. I don't want to have to fork out again for version 4 having never used 3 !!

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