I upgraded to 3.0, or at least I think I did, I was never prompted for anything after the installation. When I started Windows it asked to upgrade the Parallels Tools (?). Some message flashed about the mouse and now I can't use Windows XP. No mouse. I've got no mouse anywhere until I shut down Parallels using force quit. Any suggestions on how to fix this short of reinstalling? Regards, Glen
Select "Prepare Parallels Tools Upgrade..." from the Action menu before starting your virtual machine.
No Such Menu Option Thanks for the reply! No option by that name is available. I see "Install Parallel's Tools" but it is grayed out. I started the VM and "Install Parallels's Tools" is available. I tried it. Same result. Can't use the mouse. I did see that I can press control alt to at least get my mouse back for the Mac without shutting down Parallels. Also, I now know for sure I have 3.0. I just tried the upgrade package again and this time it did ask for my activation key. So 3.0 is definitely running now. Glen
For me it is under the "Prepare Windows Vista Upgrade..." menu option when the virtual machine is turned off. You should be able to use the tab, arrow, command (apple), and return keys to navigate through the Windows interface. Did Parallels Tools finish upgrading or did you quit before that? If it still needs to be upgraded select "Install Parallels Tools..." from the Actions menu and use the keyboard to navigate through and finish the installation.
Thanks . . . still not working Thanks. For some reason it's there now. I clicked on it. It said it was ready. I opened XP (VM). There was some kind of new hardware detected or something (it won't come up now). I cycled through it with the keyboard (thanks for that info!), but it just said it couldn't find the hardware it was looking for and nothing else happens.
Thanks . . . Giving Up Thanks for your help, I appreciate it. However, I decided just to uninstall and reinstall the older program and it works fine. I'm a web developer, so all I use this for is testing sites on Windows IE. I just bought the program a few weeks ago and got the notification in the mail for a free upgrade - how you can pass that up? Anyway, I'm just going to leave well enough alone. Regards, Glen