No sound at Catalina 10.15.2! (Parallels Desktop 15.1.2 for Mac)

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by NikolayA2, Jan 31, 2020.

  1. NikolayA2

    NikolayA2 Bit poster

    Dear Parallels team,
    Please help me with my issue. I can't solve it without you.
    My today config:
    Host system is: MacOS Catalina 10.15.3
    Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition: version 15.1.2 (47123)
    I was at macOS Mojave (version 10.14) and PD 15.1.2 - all worked good.
    The problem started when i have updated to Catalina 10.15.2.
    Now when i run more than one virturtual machines at the same time, system sound is not working!
    When i stop one of the running ones - sound returns back.
    If not returns, i kill the process coreaudiod in my host Catalina. It becomes killed, than MacOs restarts it automatically and sound returnes.
    The method with killing coreaudiod works if only one machine is still working. If two or more vm works, sound isn't returned even after killing of the coreaudiod process.

    I use your last Parallels Desktop for Mac distributive with 5 virtual machines with Ubuntu 18.04 and another MacOS Catalina 10.15.2.
    It is not matter what virtual os to start - sound disables when any two of them became "running" status.
    I tried to undestand the moment of sound disabling. When i click at button run and PD is restoring os from pause - sound is still working. But when a loading circle hides, system sound turns off.

    I don't know what to do because my working process became too hard: i don't hear sound of notifs and alerts from messangers in one virtual os when i work in another one.

    Today i have updated to Catalina 15.1.3 and nothing is happend. The problem is still remains.
    Please help me to solve the problem!
  2. NikolayA2

    NikolayA2 Bit poster

  3. NikolayA2

    NikolayA2 Bit poster

  4. ZhenT1

    ZhenT1 Member

    Hello, I think I have the same issue with you, I upgraded MacOS from 10.14.6 to 10.15.3 yesterday, and when the virtual machine is running (I have only one vm), the sound disappears on Mac OS and all apps need sound would crash or work abnormal, e.g. music player, Zoom crash because it can't find a speaker.

    I'm not sure if you install 10.15 from clean, not upgrade from 10.14, this issue could be resolved?
  5. NikolayA2

    NikolayA2 Bit poster

    Hello, ZhenT1.
    Did you try to kill coreaudiod process at your Catalina to solve the problem?
    MacOS restarts it and sometimes sound returns back for me.
  6. ZhenT1

    ZhenT1 Member

    unfortunately, I tried kill coreaudiod and let MacOS restart it, it is restared by system, but it doesn't resolve my issue. I have to close my virtual machine, and it works fine.

    I found if I start my vm (not resume a suspended vm), the sound could be fine, but after I started Rider (C# IDE, a java program) in vm, the sound disappeared.
  7. ZhenT1

    ZhenT1 Member

    Hello NikolayA2,
    I tested run vm on a clean installed 10.15.1, it works fine for me, so I think if I could clean install an 10.15, it could resolve my issue.
    I reinstall Mac OS yesterday, but not 10.15, it's a 10.13.x (I forget disk password during installing 10.15, so I restore again and have to install 10.13) and upgraded to 10.14.6, it works fine, too.

    If you have chance to clean install Mac OS, I recommended 10.15
  8. NikolayA2

    NikolayA2 Bit poster

    I made a test of hardware as it is describde here:
    No errors with hardware was occured.

    Then I found some topics about this problem at Apple Discussion site:

    Here the instructions to Reset SMC with T2 chip computers.
    I made a reset of Reset.
    Hope it will help...
  9. NikolayA2

    NikolayA2 Bit poster

    **** I made a reset of system management controller (SMC).
  10. ZhenT1

    ZhenT1 Member

    I forgot to tell you that I have tried reset NVRAM and SMC, it doesn't work for me.
  11. laihan323

    laihan323 Bit poster

    I have the same issue with you. I want to how to solve it as soon as possible.
  12. ZhenT1

    ZhenT1 Member

    I think clean install MacOS 10.15 will fix this issue, I tried clean install 10.14, it works for me.
  13. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, if the issue still persists could you please collect the tech report right after the issue reproduced and post the report's ID here.
    Thanks in advance.
  14. AustinA1

    AustinA1 Bit poster

    I have same issue too and my confirm is same as the above too.
    Host system is: MacOS Catalina 10.15.3
    Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition: version 15.1.2 (47123)
    Can you follow the Support ticket ID to investigate?
    Ticket ID #2716711
  15. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, Unfortunately I didn't find any tech report at your ticket history.
    Could you please share it here if possible.
  16. AustinA1

    AustinA1 Bit poster

    Hi Maria, I am happening it again right now, please find the tech report no. 334250209 to investigate, Thanks!
  17. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Just to clarify, does the sound disappear after starting VM? Did you lose the sound on the VM and Mac side?
  18. AustinA1

    AustinA1 Bit poster

    It may not immediate disappear, it is random to disappear, and both VM and Mac will lose together.
    I have tried to use MAC only over 1~2 hrs, no sound issue can be reproduce, most situations is using MAC + Parallels together in a random time.
    BTW, I have also tried the suggestion on the above to restart the coreaudiod in MAC, sound may come back. I don't know this will it be help, but just mention for your investigate, Thanks
  19. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Thank you for the provided info.
    Could you please perform a test:
    start VM, wait till the issue reproduced, pause VM and the resume it and check the issue.
    Let us know the results please
  20. AustinA1

    AustinA1 Bit poster

    Hi Maria,
    Just tested, when the issue is happening, I suspended the VM and open MAC Safari to play a YouTube video for test, the sound come back.
    FYI, I haven't restart "coreaudiod" or other things during this test

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