No sound at Catalina 10.15.2! (Parallels Desktop 15.1.2 for Mac)

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by NikolayA2, Jan 31, 2020.

  1. zquanghoangz

    zquanghoangz Bit poster

    KnowledgeA, LeonardoF1 and laihan323 like this.
  2. laihan323

    laihan323 Bit poster

  3. laihan323

    laihan323 Bit poster

    I suspected that my problem had not really been solved, that it had reappeared, that it had lost sound.
  4. AustinA1

    AustinA1 Bit poster

    May I know any update from Parallels side?
  5. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Guys, please update to the latest Parallels Desktop 15 build (15.1.3) and check the issue.
  6. wi1s0n

    wi1s0n Junior Member

    I found this thread as I have the exactly the same issue as described. That is, when running a VM the sound could stop randomly. If I suspend the VM it will come back immediately. When starting the VM again, it will disappear randomly again. I have had the v. 15.1.3 for some days and the problem exists in that version as well!

    It disturbs my daily work and must be taken care of! I have daily meetings and I cannot do my work properly as I must shut down the VM all the time!
    Please prioritise this as it happens several times a day!
  7. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Did you try the solution above:
    Changing the CPU & Memory > Advanced Settings > Hypervisor change to Apple ?
    BertiG likes this.
  8. AustinA1

    AustinA1 Bit poster

    The problem still appear after upgrade to 15.1.3.... any way to fix it??
  9. LeonardoF1

    LeonardoF1 Bit poster

    Oh my God, thank you SO much!
    This worked for me!

    I tried resetting both NVRAM and SMC but they didn't work.

    Switching that option from Parallels to Apple fixed it.
    Thought it was a nice thing to share my feedback for this tough issue.
    Have a good day!
    BertiG and Maria@Parallels like this.
  10. wi1s0n

    wi1s0n Junior Member

    I've changed the settings as suggested but it didn't help. The sound still stops randomly!
  11. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    What about your Mac. Does the sound work here and disappear only on the VM side?
  12. wi1s0n

    wi1s0n Junior Member

    No, it works on my Mac when I suspend the VM
    "If I suspend the VM it will come back immediately."
  13. wi1s0n

    wi1s0n Junior Member

    I need to confess that due of some reason the change to "Apple" of the Hypervisor, didn't get committed. I have changed this setting once again and will revert how it proceeds
  14. EricY1

    EricY1 Bit poster

    Thanks to solution above I was able to resolve the sound problem by switching to Apple hypervisor, though UI input became a bit laggy on my Windows 10 VM for some reason.

    I stumbled across another workaround which is to use "AC 97" audio instead of the default "Audio HD" under Hardware->Sound & Camera->Advanced Settings->Type. It's been over half a day and I still haven't experienced the dropout on Bluetooth or AirPlay 2 speakers.

    2017 rMBP 15", macOS 10.15.3, Parallels Desktop 15.1.3
  15. LeeP7

    LeeP7 Bit poster

    I have the same problem, except in my case the problem is triggered "MOST" of the time when the system goes to sleep. System worked fine until I updated to Catalina. I updated Parallels 15.1.3 47255.
    I've disabled the sound files in the VM. I've disabled them every where I can find them, speakers, outputs, microphone, camera, all in the VM. I have a 2nd monitor, I tried the VGA connection, the HDMI connection. The ASUSV239 has two versions, one with speakers, one without. I have the one without. If I disconnect the 2nd monitor and sleep the system, it does not usually happen. I followed some suggestion and used the MIDI feature to make a combined sound output. Sometimes it seems to work, other times, no effect.
    Spotify plays through sleep, to a point. If I leave it playing, sometimes, it will stay alive. I've tried resetting CoreAudio. but it doesn't do anything for me. When its gone, the only thing I can do is restart the MAC - a royal pain in the behind, especially when someone calls in to have a video conference. It looks like I'm asleep.

    I tried resetting NVRAM, and some other things Apple Tech suggested. No joy there.
    I just tried resetting the SMC, and switching Hypervisor to Apple as suggested above. Cursor check seems to work, but VM wasn't totally asleep, as I saw a notification that Windows was updating (AGAIN).

    I will let know how it goes, but as a software engineer myself, its pretty clear Catalina made some change that is creating some kind of issue with Parallels. You and Apple should work together to sort this out, especially if the Hypervisor has any effect. It least it might help point to were to look.
  16. Davidv14

    Davidv14 Bit poster

    I can confirm this problem. A few details:
    - Host: Macbook Pro 15,1, running Catalina 10.15.4 (this is a new machine, I don't have experience with previous MacOS versions)
    - Parallels Desktop Pro Version 15.1.3 (47255)
    - Guest: Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon
    I run my Linux guest for most of my work. Sometimes I switch back to MacOS to take a video call - this is when I notice the bug. Specifically what happens is the internal audio devices on the Macbook appear and disappear repeatedly, both the speakers and the mic. I can see this by opening up System Preferences > Sound. If I have another output connected (like an HDMI monitor), the output will switch to that as the internal speaker devices disappear. Note that other audio applications (e.g. Spotify) also stop working at this time - it's not just a problem with the video call.
    If I suspend the virtual machine, usually the problem resolves itself, but sometimes I need to restart my Macbook entirely. If I have the VM set to unsuspend on Macbook startup, the problem often returns.
    I looked in `/var/log/system.log` and found that `coreaudiod` is restarting during this time:
    Apr 2 15:41:26 C02Z50L2LVDR[1] ([238]): Service exited due to SIGABRT
    Apr 2 15:41:49 C02Z50L2LVDR[1] ([35202]): Service exited due to SIGABRT
    Apr 2 15:41:51 C02Z50L2LVDR[1] ([35219]): Service exited due to SIGABRT
    Apr 2 15:41:51 C02Z50L2LVDR[1] ( Service only ran for 2 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 8 seconds.
    Apr 2 15:42:00 C02Z50L2LVDR[1] ([35226]): Service exited due to SIGABRT
    Apr 2 15:42:00 C02Z50L2LVDR[1] ( Service only ran for 1 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 9 seconds.
    Apr 2 15:42:10 C02Z50L2LVDR[1] ([35235]): Service exited due to SIGABRT
    Apr 2 15:42:10 C02Z50L2LVDR[1] ( Service only ran for 1 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 9 seconds.
    I have tried using the Apple hypervisor as suggested above, so far the results are inconsistent and may have introduced other audio problems. I have disabled the audio input and output in the VM configuration and this does not make a difference.
    Please pass on this information to your engineers so they can look into this problem as soon as possible.
  17. Davidv14

    Davidv14 Bit poster

    I have filed technical report 336870555 for this issue.
  18. PaulF17

    PaulF17 Bit poster

    I have what appears to be the same problem here. Running a single Ubuntu VM on Catalina host. I lose sound on the Mac, both headphones an internal speakers are affected, but I still can get sound out through HDMI.
    I also have "Service exited due to SIGABRT" messages in my system log. Fixing the problem seems to require a reboot of the Mac.
    Hypervisor workaround seemed to work at first, but actually does not.
    Is there any understanding of what is causing this bug?
    I am on a free trial of Parallels and had decided to pay for a license but then I hit this issue.
  19. KenB8

    KenB8 Bit poster

    Also experiencing this issue:
    • macOS Catalina v 10.15.14
    • Macbook Pro (16-inch 2019, 2.4 GHz 8-core intel i9, 32 GB ram, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 4 GB)
    • Parallels 15.1.3 (Windows 10 VM)
    Some notes:
    • The MacBook internal speakers and external headphones both stop working, but can play sound through HDMI connection as others have reported.
    • Generally happens when machine has went to sleep and then on wake up no sound is found
    • If suspend the VM the sound works on the mac. If I resume the VM it stops working again.
    • Shutting down the VM, quiting parallels, and then starting parallels and VM doesn't always fix the issue.
    • Usually have to restart my mac for it to start working again.
    I'm having to restart my mac several times a day to be able to answer calls and conduct meetings.
  20. wi1s0n

    wi1s0n Junior Member

    I have now been running the Apple setting for almost 4 weeks and I haven't had any trouble with the sound turing off itself since then.
    But.. running Microsoft Teams in the VM, windows instance, doesn't work... Do we have any workaround for that?

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