Outlook - URL Redirection with Link in Email do not work

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by ThomasM72, Nov 13, 2024.

  1. ThomasM72

    ThomasM72 Bit poster

    Hello :)
    we have url redirection enabled for all urls - when I test it for example with a link in a word document, it work fine.
    But when I click links in Emails in Outlook, URL redirection do not work.
    Maybe additional config needed or does it not work with outlook?

    Thanks in advanced
  2. ThomasM72

    ThomasM72 Bit poster

    No idea?
    Or not supported?

    DevinB3 likes this.
  3. Stef4816

    Stef4816 Bit poster

    Hey Thomas,
    did it finally work on your end? Are there specific links compared to word? Or did you try exaclty the same link?
    I tested it on my end and it seems to work.
  4. DevinB3

    DevinB3 Bit poster

    URL redirection can act up in Outlook for a few reasons. Sometimes, Outlook changes up the links or has security settings that block them. If the links aren't properly formatted, they might not work either. A good idea is to test the links in a browser, and if they give you trouble, try using a URL shortener or tell users to right-click and "Open in Browser" for a smoother experience.

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