Parallels 10 running slow on Yosemite

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Housedoctor, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Housedoctor

    Housedoctor Junior Member

    I just downloaded Mac Yosemite, I'm currently running the latest Parallels 10. Updated everything. Restarted from complete shutdown. Starting my virtual machine to run Windows 7 on which my business software is located is slower than molasses in winter. I do notice that if I move my mouse around in a circle on the screen everything loads quicker. HELP PLEASE
  2. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Best Answer
  3. FredUntu

    FredUntu Member

    Hi Housedoctor,

    Yes, you're absolutely right. I have the same thing. And, DESPITE WHAT PARALLELS claims, Parallels 10 is ABSOLUTELY NOT FULLY COMPATIBLE WITH YOSEMITE.
    The problem is simple : Parallels uses only 1 processor core even though you specify in the configuration that you'd like to use the full4 (or more) cores of your machine.
    So, basically, it runs about 4 times slower than it should.

    I'm beginning to get FED UP by Parallels attitude. I would not expect an answer from them here. I already mentioned a lot of bugs on several Gust OS's on this forum, the only thing I got is a pre-written answer that does not meet the question (i.e. : asking about some problem with Parallels 10 and getting an answer on how to configure Parallels 8 or asking a question about a problem with OsX as guest OS and getting a reply on how to set-up Parallels to run a Windows guest OS !).

    Guess I will ask for a refund and go for that other free tool that allows you to virtualize things (Virtual Box it's called I think... slow but free !).

  4. Housedoctor

    Housedoctor Junior Member

    Thanks for your reply Fred, I did receive an explanation from Parallels. I'll copy and post it here.
    Hi Sir,
    Im disturbing you regarding the performance issue.
    As from the symptoms, the issue can lie in NVRAM preferences of your particular Mac.

    Please do the following to solve:
    open Terminal application on Mac (Applications/
    please type this command (you may copy-paste it to the terminal from this message):

    sudo nvram boot-args="debug=0xd4e"

    Hit Enter.
    You will be prompted to enter Mac user password. Please type it and hit Enter.
    Note: you won't see what you are typing, just type and hit Enter. If you don't have Mac user password, please create a temporary one.

    Then you may restart your Mac and the issue should be solved.
    If not - please reply me here and I'll create a ticket for you in Support.
    martmeister likes this.
  5. Housedoctor

    Housedoctor Junior Member

    Hey Fred, I just tried that fix and it seemed to work.
  6. Rafer

    Rafer Bit poster

    This tip helped me too.

    I had already reinstalled Mac OS 10.10, Parallels 10.1.0, and Parallels tools a few times previously, to no avail.

    I did find that there was an interrupt storm - resetting nvram was the only thing that fixed it.
  7. Alexander_Maroukian

    Alexander_Maroukian Bit poster

    This works. However, if you have to use an external Apple SuperDrive with your Mac because the internal one is dead (my situation) you probably used this command line to set it up:

    sudo nvram boot-args="mbasd=1"​

    The Parallels fix will override the boot argument, so your SuperDrive will not work anymore. Instead, you'll want to run the command like this:

    sudo nvram boot-args="debug=0xd4e mbasd=1"​

    That will enter both boot arguments and you shouldn't have a problem. Thought I'd share it with you guys if you have a similar situation to mine.
    martmeister likes this.
  8. craig_kinsel

    craig_kinsel Bit poster

    I just ordered a new iMac and external super drive. Will I have to use the special command?
  9. EllwoodN

    EllwoodN Hunter

    The solution is for a company to create and sell apps that do not require "NVRAM HACKS"!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Alexander_Maroukian

    Alexander_Maroukian Bit poster

    mbasd=1 is only for older model Macs that already have built-in optical drives. For some reason the ability to use a SuperDrive is disabled on those Macs and you have to use this boot argument to get the device to work. If you have a newer Mac that has no optical drive built in, the SuperDrive will work out of the box; no special boot arguments required.
  11. craig_kinsel

    craig_kinsel Bit poster

    Thank you for your help. :)

  12. Steve_Harper

    Steve_Harper Junior Member

    This worked for me as well.

  13. S Kaplan

    S Kaplan Bit poster

    Housedoctor's tip from Parallels, which he passed along, worked like a charm. It is like a new machine. I have the same hardware setup that everyone spoke of. I appreciate the help, and for the big saver of time.
  14. RLDumfries

    RLDumfries Member

    Did I read correctly that this is not a solution with the newer macs?
  15. Patrick OLeary

    Patrick OLeary Member


    sudo nvram boot-args="debug=0xd4e"
  16. craig_kinsel

    craig_kinsel Bit poster

    From what I can see it works for all macs unless it's older and you have a broken DVD internal and an attached superdrive. In that case you use a different command.

  17. hackmodford

    hackmodford Junior Member

    The boot argument also solved the issue for me.

    I'd just like to add you should run "nvram -p" in the terminal first and look for any existing boot arguments you are using.
    For example, I was already using "kext-dev-mode=1" (because I'm adding TRIM support for a non apple ssd and have a modified unsigned kext)
    In my case I needed to run this command "sudo nvram boot-args="debug=0xd4e kext-dev-mode=1"
    if your computer needs "mbasd=1" then you would add that to any additional boot arguments.

    For example:
    sudo nvram boot-args="debug=0xd4e mbasd=1 kext-dev-mode=1"
    (typically you will not need/want kext-dev-mode=1)

    In regards to this I hope to receive an email when this has been properly solved as I would like to remove the extra boot argument. It just feels like a hackintosh to me :p
  18. JohnK3000

    JohnK3000 Bit poster

    Worked for me!!!! I had also reinstalled Parallels 10.1.0 and Parallels tools a few times previously too - becoming increasingly more frustrated each time! Then found this forum, followed the instructions in HouseDoctor's post, and it worked like a charm!!
  19. Gerard_Freriks

    Gerard_Freriks Bit poster

    My problem was an extremely sluggish Mac after the change to Yosemite.
    Parallels was too slow to work with, as were other Apple applications.
    It appeared that WindowsServer was using far too many CPU-cycles.

    The solution that solved all problems was:
    - Disable Dashboard in Mission Control.
    Now all is as I suspect. I have back a lot of idle CPU-cycles again to use in the apps I use.
  20. ddeatoniv

    ddeatoniv Bit poster


    Thanks for the info! Would I need to put anything else in in my situation? I have no clue what this means!
    efi-boot-device <array><dict><key>IOMatch</key><dict><key>IOProviderClass</key><string>IOMedia</string><key>IOPropertyMatch</key><dict><key>UUID</key><string>B5E6AB84-9C6A-4ACA-937A-982C62D2AF0F</string></dict></dict><key>BLLastBSDName</key><string>disk0s2</string></dict></array>%00

    efi-boot-device-data %02%01%0c%00%d0A%03%0a%00%00%00%00%01%01%06%00%02%1f%03%12%0a%00%01%00%00%00%00%00%04%01*%00%02%00%00%00(@%06%00%00%00%00%00%c0%c0%1e:%00%00%00%00%84%ab%e6%b5j%9c%caJ%93z%98,b%d2%af%0f%02%02%7f%ff%04%00

    backlight-level %bf%00

    LocationServicesEnabled %01

    Thanks for you help,
  21. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Best Answer

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