1. PleasespecifyYourNickName

    PleasespecifyYourNickName Bit poster


    I'm using Parallels Desktop 7 on OS X Lion (10.7.2). I have four spaces configured within Lion, and I would like to always use space 3 for Parallels Desktop. Unfortunately, whenever I start a virtual machine, the virtual machines window will appear on space 1. So I always have to manually switch to space 1 and move the window to space 3, which is really annoying. Is there a way to always keep all windows of Parallels on the space I want?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    It's supposed to remember the last space used. But you can force apps into certain spaces via System Preferences > Exposé & Spaces> Spaces> Application Assignments (this is in Snow Leopard but Lion shouldn't be too different).
  3. caltuna

    caltuna Bit poster

    I have the same problem on Lion. Even when I assign Parallels to Desktop 4 (Apple changed the name from "Spaces" to "Desktop" in Lion via the dock icon right-click and using the "Assign" option, I still get the black VM (WinXP) screen open in Desktop 1 and I have to move it to 4. PITA.

    What could be the problem?
  4. Comatose

    Comatose Bit poster

    I reported the horrendous interaction with spaces months ago, I still see the same behavior, even with the recent 7.0.15052 update. It's bad enough that the VM always starts on the first space, but in Coherence mode, showing the windows taskbar results in it appearing on every desktop. I have to keep right-clicking the dock icon to change the selected space from 'This desktop', to 'None', then back to 'This desktop'. The setting doesn't persist very long... It's a little sad that this hasn't been fixed yet. I run into this all the time.
  5. YanaYana


    I have already posted in other thread - this behaviour has been fixed recently, but the fix is still on it's way. Just keep your system updated - fix should arrive together with one of nearest updates.
  6. BrendenM

    BrendenM Bit poster

    Any news on the fix for this? When I check for updates I'm told I'm on the current version.

    I have a an external monitor positioned above my laptop which I usually have my VM's open on, using the laptop screen for email/IM/reference while developing on the larger screen. I usually have multiple VM's open (windows xp/7 & linux) at once and I'd like to have each of them assigned to their own desktop. I have tried the Lion Full Screen support and with dual monitors and imho it sucks, you get a whole screen covered with the canvas background, wasting that real estate.

    Also is it possible to save which monitor of a desktop an application should appear on?
  7. Koizami

    Koizami Bit poster

    Any updates?
    I have the same problem here. Is that a BUG?
  8. YanaYana


    update with fix should arrive within several month (it can be 1 month or a couple - have no exact date). so at least it has been fixed
  9. CALL-151

    CALL-151 Bit poster

    At least it has been fixed?

    Seriously? For everyone except users? From our perspective, it hasn't been fixed.
  10. ClovisT

    ClovisT Bit poster

    I had Parallels Desktop 6 with the same Lion and it was working perfectly, my vm started in an specific SPACE.
    Now that i have Parallels 7 it no longer 'remember' my SPACE of choice. :(
  11. YanaYana


    It has been fixed but fix is not included in the current version yet
  12. Koizami

    Koizami Bit poster

    Still waiting for BUG fixed and new version coming out!!!!
  13. Pablo Rojo

    Pablo Rojo Bit poster

    You know, YanaYana, it has now been 3 months since you suggested that there is a fix in the works for this lost feature. If the fix actually works, could you please try to prevail upon your people to release a patch? They may think this is a minor issue, but I suspect there are many people who are beyond merely annoyed by this bug. Imagine being at a podium, where trackpads & mouses notoriously misbehave, having to manually redirect your Windows across many irrelevant Desktops to get back to the preferred assignment. Audience members frequently ask me to recommend a VM app; if this stuff is happening, it tends to form impressions by itself.
  14. YanaYana


    Unfortunately i cannot push development to decide on the milestone - but i will certainly forward your complain
  15. benriley

    benriley Bit poster

    Any chance of getting a date on this fix? It's very irritating when a paid upgrade introduces a serious regression in functionality. If the upgrade was free it may be fair to take some time but 6 to 7 cost money and reduced functionality. Very poor that 3/4 months later, there is still no fix. How do I get a refund?
  16. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

  17. benriley

    benriley Bit poster

    OK. So is there a date yet for the release of the fix for this regression bug?
  18. This problem is getting very old an annoying.

    The update that came out yesterday didn't fix the problem. *sigh*
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2012
  19. RogierP

    RogierP Bit poster

    This can't be true ?!

    Bought Parallels 7 upgrade today and found out I am pushed back in functionality! Can't keep a Parallels app on only one Desktop! It moves with me when I switch to another Desktop
    so I try to find a setting somewhere in parallels, as I could not believe this was some bug.
    Now I am finding out that it's a bug for already quite some time => I'm worried there.
    Then I read that there is a fix => Getting back my thrust a little.

    But to my stunning supprice this fix is on hold for people that paid for the application and have in some way (and for me exactly the way I expected parallels to function!) less functionality than the version before. And no dates are mentioned, so no promises that this will be solved in the near future!?

    I can only say: This can't be true?
  20. Koizami

    Koizami Bit poster

    I'm so so so so disappointed the new version came out yesterday and the issue has not fixed yet!!! That's already reported 3 Months and we can not see any expect. Any explains on this????

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