1. YanaYana


    Thanks a lot, i will make the development team aware straight away!
  2. badekyle

    badekyle Bit poster

    Just upgraded to P8... still doing it... Come on!

    $50 for the upgrade and this well-known low-level bug is still there?! YanaYana posted in January that this had been "fixed" and just needed to be rolled out, you're losing credibility...
  3. PleasespecifyYourNickName

    PleasespecifyYourNickName Bit poster

    It's really strange. I just installed PD8, and I have 10 virtual machines. One of those machines now opens on the correct Desktop 3. All the other machines still always pop up on Desktop 1 and I have to manually move them to Desktop 3.
  4. morrispe

    morrispe Bit poster

    I have also upgraded to PD8 for Mac. Running Parallels on Desktop 5 and VM's are launching on Desktop 1. It was happening with the most recent PD7 versions as well before I upgraded to PD8. Currently running 10.8.1 Mountain Lion.

    Please Fix.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2012
  5. FelipeMann

    FelipeMann Bit poster

    Sorry, but as it seems, its been "straight away" for more then a year now?

    You said before that this bug has been fixed internally already an year ago and yet, we users, are still experiencing this bug not only with the latest P7 as also on P8 . . .

    This "straight away" is very slow or we been lied for over a year that the fix is "on its way" to end customers.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2012
  6. DW6666

    DW6666 Bit poster

    Upgrade? Not.

    Oh we're working really really hard to fix this bug that's irritating tons of users, and the fix is already in, and it will be out any day now, and can we have more money please?


  7. CoreyW

    CoreyW Junior Member

    Latest PD8 update still does not fix this. Disappointed.
  8. Erieg1969

    Erieg1969 Bit poster

    Well this isn't cool. I never had this problem using P7. I upgrade to P8 and there it is. I thought I was losing my mind. Is this upgrade actually worth it? I have no idea what their return policy is but if I have to go back to P7 I guess I am going to find out.
  9. morrispe

    morrispe Bit poster

    Just updated to PD8 Build 8.0.18101 and its still not fixed yet :(
  10. TheAngryPenguin

    TheAngryPenguin Member

    Interesting. This seems to indicate that the problem lies within a VM's configuration, rather than something globally with the application. Is there any chance that you can review the config.pvs file for the VM that opens on the correct Desktop 3 and compare it to the config.pvs file for a VM that's stuck to Desktop 1 and see if there are any glaring differences between the two that might be responsible for this most irritating behavior?
  11. twyked

    twyked Bit poster

    very disappointed

    Ran into this same issue with a late version of P7 and now with the latest version of P8 (on a rMBPro running 10.8.2) - very disappointed that Parallels has known about this issue since January and still hasn't fixed it.

    Have used Parallels over VMWare for the past few years, simply because they were first to market, back when the Intel-based macs first came out - but if they've gotten to the point where they're worrying more about new "features" and market space, than about valid issues raised by customers, then perhaps it's time to move on.
  12. zjgolf44

    zjgolf44 Bit poster

    Just added my vote to getting this bug fixed...

    I also felt that somewhere this seemed to work better. I have this feeling it somehow relates to which desktop parallels was installed on and/or which desktop the virtual was created on.
  13. ryangoodfellow

    ryangoodfellow Bit poster

    Same problem here on Mountain Lion & PD 8.0.18101. This bug isn't HUGE (like crash-and-burn HUGE), but it is RIDICULOUSLY annoying, and every time I launch the software, I burst out in a cursing fit.
  14. TheAngryPenguin

    TheAngryPenguin Member

    If PleasespecifyYourNickName could reply, we might be able to get to the bottom of this. Apparently s/he has at least one VM that isn't affected by the "Stuck on Desktop 1" bug.
  15. CallmePC

    CallmePC Bit poster

    And its worse with Parallels 7 on osx10.8

    With osx 10.7 it was at random witch space the virtual machine was started, most times it started at the active screen, as its supposed to!! But now it starts every f... time on space 1........
    Come on.... FIX THIS SHIT NOW!!!!!!!
    This company is about to switch back to Fusion, they never had problems as this..
    And We certainly wont be upgrading to version 8, as long as problems like this is not fixed!!
  16. TheAngryPenguin

    TheAngryPenguin Member

    I upgraded from PD7 to PD8 two nights ago. This problem, as note by previous posts, has obviously not been resolved with PD8. But I just upgraded to a SSD and wanted to squeeze out as much performance from my VMs as possible. Still unhappy about the "All VMs Stuck on Desktop 1" bug, as well as the fact that my experience with PD8 was not at least 25% faster from a performance standpoint (I actually did not observe any difference in performance between the two versions), I contacted support.

    After over two hours of working with a support analyst via webchat and TeamViewer, s/he concluded that there was no problem with performance. Then we proceeded to troubleshoot the issue discussed in this thread. Another hour later, the analyst sent this in chat:

    "your issue is being notified our engineers
    on it. The willl b fixed n"

    I took it as "I have notified our engineers about this issue. It will be resolved in the next release." Only time will tell. I really hope that the agonizingly painful and frustrating three hours of life that I will never be able to get back ends up benefitting us all! For what it's worth, I had the analyst transfer me to the "concern department" and ended up being refunded for my purchase of the PD8 upgrade.
  17. Chris@Parallels

    Chris@Parallels Hunter

    Hi TheAngryPenguin

    I sent you an email directly from my Parallels email address. Thank you for your comments and I look forward to your response.

  18. SPelly

    SPelly Member

    I agree. Not the most serious bug, but surprisingly annoying. Especially in light of the repeated promises for a fix. I had the same problem with Parallels 7 and Parallels 8 is no better. (Build 8.0.18101 Revision 797180; September 5, 2012).
  19. TheAngryPenguin

    TheAngryPenguin Member

    Great news! Build 8.0.18305 (Revision 811918; October 25, 2012) seems to have finally squashed this bug! Hopefully it will not regress with any future builds.
  20. SPelly

    SPelly Member

    At first glance, ParallelsDesktop-8.0.18305.811918 seems to solve the problem for me as well. I will post again if I discover problems during my testing.

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