Hi, I apologize if this topic has been covered somewhere already, I did a few searches and I didn't see anything like it. I recently got a macbook pro and when I heard about parallels I was pretty excited. But from what I understand, parallels cannot form a virtual machine of a NTFS Boot camp partition and still have all of the capabilities of the a Fat32 partition (correct me if I am wrong here) So when I hear about ntfs-3g, I decided to install that with the hope that if parallels could not normally use the ntfs boot camp, then ntfs-3g would allow it to use the virtual machine to its full capacity. It all seems fine and dandy at first, but my windows partition keeps on corrupting making it impossible to boot into windows through bootcamp or parallels. I am not sure if it is the ntfs driver, or parallels, and I m not sure what is causing the problem. I am very careful to always shutdown the computer through the start menu in both boot camp and parallels so that data isnt corrupted, but it keeps happening anyways. Am I missing something? Is it just a flaw in parrallels/ntfs-3g? Am I doing something wrong? Any help would be appreciated.
You're not alone. I think I know what is happening. See this thread: http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=32232