Thank god someone else is having the exact problem with Parallel 12. SOOOO LAGGY. Moving windows on Windows 10 screen is extremely laggy. Any scrolling is laggy, mouse right click to bring up menu is laggy, selecting item on menu is laggy. This is painful for a developer
. Please fix.
This is the first time ever that I have to DOWNGRADE
my Parallels installation. Not happy.
Also, a couple of things missing too
- Keystroke of control-option to bring up Parallels menu no longer available. Please bring this back.
- in 'Full Screen' mode, it is forces the VM to run in another Mac OS X's Desktop, making it unable to overlay any Mac OS X windows on top of the VM. This is because in Parallels 12, Options, the Full Screen setting is now missing. In previous version like Parallels 11, under Options -> Full Screen, one can chose 'Use OS X Full Screen', or not. This option is no longer available. Please bring back.
Parallels version: ParallelsDesktop-12.0.1-41296.dmg
Mac OS X version: Sierra 10.12
Machine: MBP 15, Mid-2014, i7, 2.5GHz, 16GB RAM
Windows version: Windows 10
Last edited: Sep 22, 2016