Parallels email support is a joke

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by marcosscriven, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. marcosscriven

    marcosscriven Junior Member

    Does anyone second this?

    It's been well over a week and they haven't got back to me. I have a mind to call a chargeback on my credit card and delete the program.
  2. pigwiggle

    pigwiggle Member

    Does anyone second this?

    Umm, do you even read these forums? You don't need to start a new thread. If you are just looking to bitch there are a dozen other active discussions.
  3. marcosscriven

    marcosscriven Junior Member

    I do indeed read the forums - if you check my previous posts, you'll see that I have contributed not only questions but also useful tips.

    However, I reserve the right to start my own thread to complain about Parallels' email support - as a paying customer, that has been promised both features and service that are not there, I think that's fair enough.

    Also, I am hoping that someone from Parallels is reading these threads, and maybe increased number of threads, as well as posts, just might get them to do something!
  4. marcosscriven

    marcosscriven Junior Member

    Actually pigwiggle I took the time to look at yours posts, and several of them seem to be against complaining about Parallels support. I wonder why you take the time to defend them?

    I saw you point out that one gets what one had paid for, following the trial. However, in my case, that is not quite true. I had used and updated with a trial key several beta versions. Then, when the final version actually came, my trial key had run out.

    My experience of the software itself has been pretty good, so decided to buy a licence, upon reading in the release notes that the new 3188 version was *fully* Vista compatible, and the it was possible to use a boot camp partition. I also read that Paralells had email support.

    Both those two points have NOT been forthcoming, and I don't see why you defend that? It's not fair that quite a big feature, and the email service, they promised have not been delivered.

    And finally, why is there not someone from Parallels defending *themselves*?

    The real thing that stinks, for me, is that it just so happens one can pay for telephone support. Call me a cyninc, but isn't not answering support email an incentive to get people to pay for telephone service?
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2007
  5. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    Just to pad out your awareness on the telephone support, they have been known to be unresponsive there too. People have remarked here they paid for the telephone service and never got a reply.

    Around the beginning of March I sent a note to Benjamin discussing the chaotic state of the forums and support, and for several hours it was even seen on his blog, but was then pulled without response (recurring theme?). Several posts showed up here and in other Parallels forums with titles similar your yours, and carrying complaints about service and support. In the last several days a number of new arrivals with Parallels Team in their sig started showing up here, so maybe they've gotten the hint that things on the after-sales side of things aren't going so well.

    I've been a Parallels user for nearly a year now and have watched the company wax and wane, but steadily improve the product. Along the way they've blown some promises, or modified them to fit the real world, but from what I see there is now a noticible convergance between promises and delivery. The glaring failure has been support and that now seems to be getting the attention it deserves. In 6 weeks or so we should all see what trends spill out of this effort.
  6. pigwiggle

    pigwiggle Member

    Sure, their support sucks. It's not my personal experience, but it should be plain to any literate halfwit. I'm not defending parallels, although I think the product (usability, features, support, and so forth) is just about right for $80. You don't pay for a Yugo and expect performance car handing, no matter what Yugo claims. Or maybe you do. My point, to use another trite car analogy, is that the folks complaining are a lot like those who would buy a used car without a test-drive or inspection. As far as another "sucks" thread goes; five one comment threads or one five comments thread aren't much different with the exception of making a search difficult to parse and crapping up the forum with a lot of detritus. In any forum it's common practice (and courtesy) to refrain from starting multiple threads covering the same worn topic. Anyway, if you have been frequenting these forums then I don't believe their lack of support is much of a surprise. You got what you paid for.
  7. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    But not what they promised. That's the difference. Promises give us expectations and failure to honor promises provides us disappointment. Add to that persistent failure to communicate and you have the beginnings of disgruntlement and that scales well for a population such as this. That is where we are today.

    Parallels has taken corrective action, so now we should try to team with them and move beyond this stage. There will be a phase lag as new arrivals come into the forums unaware of the recent progress and so that requires a bit of patience on our part and a light hand on the tiller.
  8. Zuni

    Zuni Bit poster

    I have to say that for my 1st email question to Parallels, I was impressed that it only took 2 days to respond and I recieved answer today (Sunday). The answer didn't solve my problem but they tried. I am pleased with them. So far, So good.

  9. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    There ya go - perhaps the new emphasis is already working :) That's a good thing.

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