Parallels in Catalina: Office 365 (in Windows) crashes the Mac

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by RolandB8, Oct 13, 2019.

  1. SidneyR

    SidneyR Bit poster

    did not work. I changed to the configuration you requested, but the problem continued.
  2. MaikS4

    MaikS4 Bit poster

    Can I confirm that this has NOT been resolved in the latest update? I am scared to start up Parallels as I don't want to crash my Mac. I rely on latest directx implementation on parallels 15, so can only use it when I don't run my eGPU. This has been going on for almost 6 months :(
  3. MaikS4

    MaikS4 Bit poster

    dear all, can anyone confirm whether this is still an issue? Thanks!!!
  4. MatthewB19

    MatthewB19 Bit poster

    Now that I'm working from home every day due to the COVID-19 measures in the UK, I've also been experiencing the crash since I had also started using the Blackmagic eGPU with my Mac Mini (2018) a week ago. My Mac crashes once or twice a day (about two minutes after the screens freeze), and the logs report an issue with WindowsServer each time. I'm running the latest version of macOS Catalina 10.15.4 and Parallels Desktop 15 Pro Edition Version 15.1.3 (47255).
  5. Omar4

    Omar4 Bit poster

    Same issue here:
    eGPU, MacOS 10.15.4, PD15.
    Crash after a few minutes. I've sent the technical details.
    Please help.
  6. MatthewB19

    MatthewB19 Bit poster

    Sadly, the problem continues with the latest version of Parallels Desktop Pro Edition Version 15.1.4 (47270).
  7. Tom24

    Tom24 Bit poster

    This has been an issue for almost 6 months now, I've given up using parallels when connected to my egpu and none of the technical support here are able to provide anything of use. Won't be renewing my subscription if this continues.
  8. bryanb6

    bryanb6 Bit poster

    I am having the same issues on my 2017 15" MBP when using eGPU (Radeon RX 480). Using any of the Office 365 apps (Word, Excel, Skype) completely crashes Catalina. Even after reboot it takes awhile for the system to stabilize due to all the disk checks. Non Office 365 apps do not appear to cause any issues. Agree with others that this needs to be addressed before I renew my subscription.
  9. MarkH37

    MarkH37 Bit poster

    Same issue here. MacOS Catalina 10.15.4, Parallels Desktop 15.1.4, eGFX (Radeon RX560)
  10. HenningT1

    HenningT1 Bit poster

    +1 (everything OK when using internal graphics, crashes with Outlook 365 running when eGFX is connected)
    Please fix this.
    (Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4, Parallels Desktop 15.1.4, eGFX (Sapphire Radeon RX 580, Sonnet 550)

    Error reads:
    panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff00e0d37b4): x86 CPU CATERR detected
    Debugger message: panic
    Memory ID: 0x6
    OS version: 17P4281
    macOS version: 19E287
    Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 19.4.0: Mon Mar 2 20:38:56 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.101.6~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010
    Kernel UUID: 3695E9D9-323E-350E-9A6E-65819BE397D7
    iBoot version: iBoot-5540.105.2
    secure boot?: YES
    x86 EFI Boot State: 0x16
    x86 System State: 0x0
    x86 Power State: 0x0
    x86 Shutdown Cause: 0xf3
    x86 Previous Power Transitions: 0x70707060400
    PCIeUp link state: 0x1611
    Paniclog version: 13
    Kernel slide: 0x000000000609c000
    Kernel text base: 0xfffffff00d0a0000
    mach_absolute_time: 0x224dcaaa4
    Epoch Time: sec usec
    Boot : 0x5eaa8ba9 0x0008dc75
    Sleep : 0x00000000 0x00000000
    Wake : 0x00000000 0x00000000
    Calendar: 0x5eaa8d25 0x000144ed

    Panicked task 0xffffffe000188800: 3092 pages, 215 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
    Panicked thread: 0xffffffe0004ab4d0, backtrace: 0xffffffe0160f34b0, tid: 374
    lr: 0xfffffff00d964764 fp: 0xffffffe0160f34f0
    lr: 0xfffffff00d9645c0 fp: 0xffffffe0160f3560
    lr: 0xfffffff00da7ee7c fp: 0xffffffe0160f3610
    lr: 0xfffffff00df2d62c fp: 0xffffffe0160f3620
    lr: 0xfffffff00d963f28 fp: 0xffffffe0160f3990
    lr: 0xfffffff00d964280 fp: 0xffffffe0160f39e0
    lr: 0xfffffff00e79a934 fp: 0xffffffe0160f3a00
    lr: 0xfffffff00e0d37b4 fp: 0xffffffe0160f3a30
    lr: 0xfffffff00e0c4be4 fp: 0xffffffe0160f3aa0
    lr: 0xfffffff00e0c6b0c fp: 0xffffffe0160f3b50
    lr: 0xfffffff00e0c431c fp: 0xffffffe0160f3be0
    lr: 0xfffffff00e08b780 fp: 0xffffffe0160f3c10
    lr: 0xfffffff00de9aabc fp: 0xffffffe0160f3c50
    lr: 0xfffffff00de9a340 fp: 0xffffffe0160f3c90
    lr: 0xfffffff00df38514 fp: 0x0000000000000000
  11. ozboy

    ozboy Bit poster

    Three days ago I upgraded my computer from 2012 iMac to 2020 iMac with 2nd monitor (an LG 5K 27") . I am now finding that Excel regularly freezes. The activity monitor app shows the windows cpu process running at over 100% of cpu when excel is frozen indicating to me some kind of loop that doesn't end, but what would I know. I do want a fix, as I use excel for 10 hours a day. Is it recommended to go back to Parallels 14? I am on 15.1.4 (47270). If so how do I get v14?
  12. Tom24

    Tom24 Bit poster

    Is there any response or update from Parallels, this is a reported issue for several users, are your devs looking into this? we've been talking about this for months now
  13. KarlK5

    KarlK5 Bit poster

    I am also having this issue. 2018 Mac Mini with Razer Core X and RX 580. Running Visio in Windows 10 (with all OS and software updated) randomly freezes and then restarts the computer. Very frustrating. Parallels 15 is unusable in this state.
  14. SidneyR

    SidneyR Bit poster

    does anyone know if parallels 14 is stable in this scenario of using egpu?
  15. stoli412

    stoli412 Member

    I'm also having this issue. 2020 Mac mini with external GPU (Razer Core X and RX 580). I've found that disabling hardware acceleration in Office stops the crashing. It's best to do it via the Registry Editor since it's difficult/nearly impossible to disable within Office itself due to the crashing. The link below (Method 2) provides instructions:

    Hopefully the Parallels team can provide a more permanent solution to this bug so hardware acceleration can be re-enabled in Office.
    KarlK5 likes this.
  16. KarlK5

    KarlK5 Bit poster

    Thank you stoli412. I was able to get Word open long enough to turn off hardware acceleration in Office. I haven't done extensive testing, but this seems to have solved the issue. I appreciate the tip.
    stoli412 likes this.
  17. KevinM33

    KevinM33 Bit poster

    Same issue here. MacOS Catalina 10.15.4, Parallels Desktop 15.1.4, eGFX (Radeon RX560)
  18. DanielL30

    DanielL30 Bit poster

    I also have the same issue, renders parallels completely unusable, what's worse, it takes the entire Mac with it rather than just Parallels itself.
    I am on a MacBook Pro 16" with 10.15.4 installed. Parallels 15.1.4 (47270) and Windows 10 1909 Build. Gigabyte eGPU with an RX580.
    Clean install worked great, the instant I installed Office apps for remote training, crashes started.
    I'm surprised to see that this thread has been around for many months now and it still hasn't been fixed by Parallels.
  19. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, guys, the issue is under investigation with the Parallels Engineering Team.
    Also could you please add this Boot flag : video.metal=0 (VM Configuration -> Hardware-> Boot order -> Advance settings) and check the issue.
    Please share any results with us.
    PaulM53 and DanielL30 like this.
  20. DanielL30

    DanielL30 Bit poster

    Setting the video.metal=0 boot flag so far seems to have stopped the crashing.
    Been clicking around in Outlook and Teams. (which previously would crash within about 20 seconds of opening, give or take 10 seconds. Also the crash was never immediate after opening them, but even when not interacting with it after a few moments would crash, if that helps your team track it down in any way)

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