Parallels Tools install fails

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by Vincent20, Nov 4, 2024.

  1. Vincent20

    Vincent20 Bit poster

    I have Ubuntu 24.04 running on my Mac with M1 chip and Parallels 18. I had to install Ubuntu 24.04. manually with an .iso file. I also have to install Parallels Tools now, however after I start the installer, it fails. (At least I think I have to install Parallels Tools, since the Shared Clipboard for instance is not working even though checked in the settings).

    I attached the log file, that the install window told me to look at.

    Any idea, what I could do? Thank you

    Attached Files:

  2. Vincent20

    Vincent20 Bit poster

    Can someone please help me :) ?
  3. JeffreyO4

    JeffreyO4 Bit poster

    There seems to be widespread issues compiling Parallel Tools on various distros at the moment which is what's failing during the install. There are various other posts with similar issues as yours.
  4. JeffreyO4

    JeffreyO4 Bit poster

    Ubuntu 24.04 works fine with Parallels 20 fyi.
  5. Vincent20

    Vincent20 Bit poster

    Thank you.

    The problem for me was, that the kernal version 6.8.0-51 running on my Ubuntu 24.04. vm was not compatible with the Parallels Tools from the Parallels 18 release.
    What I did is change the kernal version to 5.15.0-125 as it is running (and working with Parallels Tools) on my Ubuntu 22.04. vm. For that I downloaded all the .deb files from my Ubuntu 22.04. vm related to that kernal version:
    sudo apt-get download \
      linux-headers-5.15.0-125 \
      linux-headers-5.15.0-125-generic \
      linux-image-5.15.0-125-generic \
      linux-modules-5.15.0-125-generic \
    I transferred them to my Ubuntu 24.04. vm and installed them:
    sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-5.15.0-125_*.deb \
      linux-headers-5.15.0-125-generic_*.deb \
      linux-image-5.15.0-125-generic_*.deb \
      linux-modules-5.15.0-125-generic_*.deb \
    When rebooting the vm with sudo reboot, by pressing ESC while the vm is starting the GNU GRUB window should open, where I can select "Advanced options for Ubuntu" and then the kernel with which I want to start the vm.

    To change the default to the 5.15.0-125 version, so that the vm always starts with it, I had to make changes to grub:

    sudo nano /etc/default/grub
    There change GRUB_DEFAULT=0 to:
    GRUB_DEFAULT='Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 5.15.0-125-generic'
    At last I had to update
    sudo update-grub
    and reboot the system:
    sudo reboot
    Now my Ubuntu 24.04. was running with the 5.15.0-125 kernal (check the with "uname -r" in terminal) and I was able to manually install Parallels Tools!
  6. PraviG

    PraviG Bit poster

    I'll try this but it didn't work for me.

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