Parallels VM process continues to run after Quit

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by jonkneb, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. jonkneb

    jonkneb Member

    id: 21765302
    I quit Parallels. Process Parallels VM was still running when I sent the report. Then had to force quit the process, as usual.
  2. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    @jonkneb - thanks, let me see what we find here
  3. trinko

    trinko Bit poster

    Me too!

    Upgraded to Parallels 8 on Mac OS X 10.6.8. When I quit Parallels, running windows XP, the Parallels VM process hangs around chewing up CPU and memory. I'm the process owner and I can fix the problem by force quitting the process in the Activity Monitor. The application has quit since it does not show up as an icon when you do command tab.
  4. jonkneb

    jonkneb Member

    bump ID number 18947617

    Problem still exists, after recent update.

    I think it is hanging while writing the log..

    also, other applications have broken because of Unsanity Application Enhancer.. which yes I am running
  5. James T.S

    James T.S Junior Member


    I’ve got the same set-up, and I found the same as you.

    Looking at the Parallels log, I see the following entries all in the same minute when I quit Parallels:

    Parallels Networking was stopped
    Unloading kernel extension prl_netbridge.kext
    - kext com.parallels.kext.netbridge found loaded.
    Unloading kernel extension prl_vnic.kext
    - kext com.parallels.kext.vnic found loaded.
    Unloading kernel extension prl_usb_connect.kext
    - kext com.parallels.kext.usbconnect found loaded.
    Unloading kernel extension prl_hid_hook.kext
    - kext com.parallels.kext.hidhook found loaded.
    Unloading kernel extension prl_hypervisor.kext
    - kext com.parallels.kext.hypervisor found loaded.
    Unloading kernel extension prlufs.kext
    - kext com.parallels.filesystems.prlufs found loaded.
    Reset owners for /Applications/Parallels


    Every time I quit the application, one of the ParallelsVM processes is left behind.

    Strangely, I see the same thing in the situations when the Parallels GUI portion of the app crashes. (The latter happens to me several times each week.)

    Is it possible that even though we are picking the “Quit” menu item, the Parallels GUI portion is actually crashing during the quit operation, or failing silently near the end?

    James T. Savidge, Tuesday, July 16, 2013
  6. LiquidSky

    LiquidSky Bit poster

    I see this is still an ongoing issue back from Oct '12. Yup, I am a 'Me too'

    I have had the same problem for a couple of months now. I have just gotten annoyed enough to check the forums for a solution. As of yet I can not find one, so I am writing here.

    Problem report id: 26822100

    MacBookPro8,2 ; 2.3 Ghz i7 ; 16 GB RAM ; Mac OS X 10.6.8
    Currently Parallels 8, Build 8.0.18494 (Revision 886912; June 17, 2013) BUT this has been going on over the last 2-3 updates

    I shutdown the VM [typically Win 7], close the 'click here to start window' and then quit Parallels Desktop. I have a 'Parallels VM' process still running. If I run another or the same VM again, quit the program again, I get another 'Parallels VM' process [now two, if I don't force quit the first one, each wants to consume about 81% of a core]. Looking at the processes stats, it is making 200,000 Mach system calls a second [no idea what that means, but seems excessive] with 34+ open files/ports, per process.
    This happens wether I run a VM for 10 min or 3 hours.

    I force quit when needed, just getting annoying now that a couple of recent times parallels squawked on the next startup the USB drivers for parallels did not initialize.

    Just love to know the cause, what I might have to uninstall/get rid of/fix/etc to avoid this.


    First Post!
  7. MormanMcN

    MormanMcN Bit poster

    I have the same issue. When I close a virtual machine (running either Windows XP or Windows 7) a process called Parallels VM stays running and consumes an inordinate amount of CPU. When I quit from PD, this process (Parallels VM) stays running still consuming approximately 30% of CPU. (It bounces between 20% - 70% of CPU.)
  8. LiquidSky

    LiquidSky Bit poster

    Well.... just resolved my issue with the never ending 'Parallels VM' process that sucked up 81+% even after all parallels apps VM's etc were shut down, dead & buried.

    The Unsanity's 'Application Enhancer' system preference finally had to go. I loved 'Windowshade', but alas it had to go to allow Parallels to shutdown properly & close/stop the Parallels VM process neatly.

    Cheers all.
  9. jonkneb

    jonkneb Member

    I thought that might be the problem. Thanx.
    Everybody else using Application Enhancer?
  10. jonkneb

    jonkneb Member

    btw, Skype fixed their problem with Application Enhancer..
  11. MormanMcN

    MormanMcN Bit poster

    Be suspicious about Application Enhancer

    Yes - that did it for me too. Temporarily switching off Application Enhancer seemed to cure the problem. Now, it is removed for good - until/unless I remember why it was vital to me to have it installed in the first place!.
  12. jonkneb

    jonkneb Member

    Problem persists with Parallels 9.
  13. jonkneb

    jonkneb Member

    Problem persists with today's update.
  14. jonkneb

    jonkneb Member

    Looks like my problem has been fixed with today's update.
    Thank you very much!

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