OK, Arch Linux just introduced the 5.13 kernel, so I was expecting to patch the tools. The fix is quite minor and was investigated and solved by other member of this community. However, I also needed to have the shared folder execution patch to be able to execute binaries and script from the mounted macOS folder. I am including three patch files here, choose your own destiny parallels-tools- - this patch contains a fix to support kernels 5.13+ with the current version of Parallel Tools parallels-tools- - I created this patch for an older version, but it still applies cleanly -- this is support for executable files on the shared folders parallels-tools- - two of the above combined into one (for lazy people) Have fun
I just checked -- the credits for investigating and fixing the tools for 5.13 go to @Evan123 (I just wrapped the solution into conditionals, so it will work on older kernels too).
Another message describing the process can be found at https://forum.parallels.com/threads...s-tools-16-1-3-4960.352695/page-3#post-889014
Well, it is scripted on my side, but systems are different: I am using DKMS, some people don't. Even if I provide my scripts it will just make the process even more confusing for some people (e.g. I am using DKMS on a system that originally didn't have it), so it is a catch 22 case
Oh man, why Parallels just can't keep up with the new kernel versions themselves... we are paying customers after all... Anyways, thanks a lot!
With the release of Parallels Desktop 17 (and the corresponding tools), no patches are required for kernels 5.13. Parallels addressed everything that was being fixed in my patches, including the execution of scripts/binaries from the shared folders. Moreover, they did it in a nicer way. Splendid! .
@(GalaxyMaster) weird, I have Fedora 34 and as soon as I install the latest Parallels Tools my VM becomes unusable meaning it never starts just stay forever on a black screen, any advice? I can try one more time and attach logs if that helps somehow if you're willing to take a look
How long are you waiting for it to start? My f34 VM takes about 3-4 minutes to get started. FYI I think this delay started happening with kernel 5.10 or 5.11.
@ShawnC4 more than that and worse it never start after that black screen, I am running `kernel-5.13.8-200.fc34.x86_64`
Do you see the "Press escape for boot options" prompt, and if so can you try any of the previous kernels that you might have?
@ShawnC4 already tried that no luck, currently I am removing the old ones 13.7 and 13.6 and see if somehow that helps me to install the latest Parallels Tools
I stumbled upon something like that when I updated the modules and for some reason DKMS did not update everything considering some modules from the previous version to be already up to date. This resulted in my VM getting numerous kernel exceptions coming from prl_vid. I booted the system into the single mode (by providing "systemd.unit=rescue.target" too the kernel at boot) and then removed /lib/modules/<my_kernel_version>/extra/prl_*, followed by re-installing the modules from the new tools. This solved the issue for me. If you can get logs from the VM, look at "dmesg" first.
Thanks! This fixed my Ubuntu install after it recently broke when updating to kernel v.5.13. (I'm still using Parallels Desktop 16.)