PD10.1 worse than 10.0x, 10.0 only working with Yosemite

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by EllwoodN, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. EllwoodN

    EllwoodN Hunter

    I updated to 10.1 yesterday on my late 2013 iMac, 3.2 GHz. Every time
    I plug in a USB device, the system either causes a log out and even
    worse, causes a kernel panic.

    When trying to restart PD10.1, it will sit in restore mode forever unless
    I quit PD10.1 and reboot. The last time it happened, it even thoroughly
    corrupted my Win8.1 VM to unusable.

    Fortunately, I had a PD10.0 backup of this VM and reverted my system back
    to 10.0.

    It is appearing more and more that with every update "fix", more and more
    is getting broken, and not just minor annoyances ether.
  2. Abdul@Parallels

    Abdul@Parallels Parallels Support


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