Peculiar Behavior on Ubuntu 8.10

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by atari_x99, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. atari_x99

    atari_x99 Guest

    Hello. I am experiencing some peculiar behavior using the 2x client on Ubuntu 8.10. Here's my setup.

    Athlon 64 2.2ghz with 3gb ram
    Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise 32 bit
    Latest 2x ApplicationServer (v6.2 - latest build (528 i believe))

    Athlon 64 2.2ghz with 2gb ram
    Nvidia 6200 agp with 256mb with Nvidia driver v177.82
    19" AOC lcd monitor 1440x900
    Ubuntu 8.10 x86
    ApplicationServer Client v 6.2

    I created a shortcut with the following command to connect.

    "/opt/2X/applicationserverclient/bin/appserverclient -s -u linda -pPW -a actrix"

    For this example, I am using an old cad program called Actrix. Please note the behavior is the same for all programs including Quickbooks. I used Actrix so I don't have to worry about information that must not be shared.

    With normal effects turned on, I get double menus. I've set the panel to the bottom to see if it would get rid of it but to no avail.


    Clicking inside the program, moves the entire window.


    Clicking again moves back to the above previous screenshot and vice versa.

    Turning off effects. The window is misplaced.


    Double clicking the top bar places the window at the center of the screen. Unfortunately, when printing, the window reverts back to it's old position and gives a double menu effect again.


    When I select one of the menu items above, then switch to another window, I sometimes get the submenu on screen.


    When the 2x window is active, sometimes I cannot access any system menus
    (Applications, Places, System).


    Sometimes, exiting the application shows the desktop background.


    One of the biggest problems I have is that when I print, the application closes altogether. It still prints though but I have to reopen the application again.

    I have tried the v4 client from the downloads page. There are no double-menus regardless of effects settings but the application closes when printing. The same goes with v5. I tried using the old clients as tests.

    I'd like to know if there's something I'm doing wrong. I've tried the clients on windows xp and vista and they work properly. Please help. Thank you.
  2. zippo

    zippo Pro

  3. atari_x99

    atari_x99 Guest

    Thanks for the reply. I would like to know why you recommend the Virtual Desktop Server version. Is it to get a data point or is it more stable? do you deem it more suitable? Thanks again.
  4. zippo

    zippo Pro

    The client is the same for VDS and AS, and this is the latest version
  5. atari_x99

    atari_x99 Guest

    Thanks for the reply. I'll try it tomorrow since I am currently out of state. Thank you.
  6. zippo

    zippo Pro

    didi you try it out?
  7. atari_x99

    atari_x99 Guest

    Thanks for your input. I tried it again with the vds client for linux. This is still on Ubuntu 8.10 with the latest updates installed.

    1. With normal effects, I still have the double menus and window shifting problem (click once, it will shift. click again it will shift. Please see the above pictures for reference.).

    2. With no effects, the window is misplaced. Double clicking centers it on the screen.

    3. If the application window is live, I cannot access the system menu (Applications, Places, System). Please see the above screenshot.

    4. Printing closed the application once out of 5 tries I did.

    Do you have any other suggestions? Should I revert to an older version of the server and client software. Thanks for taking time to respond. I appreciate it.
  8. zippo

    zippo Pro

    Problem is from the client. The server wont effect. I suggest you contact support for help. I use ubunto with no problems so might be some options
  9. atari_x99

    atari_x99 Guest

    which version of ubuntu are you using and what version of the client? if it's different from the latest one, can you give me a download link? thanks.
  10. atari_x99

    atari_x99 Guest

    The 2X Client v7.0.8132 for linux has solved the display issues (double menus, window placement). However, on Ubuntu 8.10 and Ubuntu 9.04, the directional arrows (up, down, left, right) and delete button do not work. Printing (not using universal printer, just printer connected to server pc) sometimes closes the 2x window. Does anyone have any suggestions with regards to the directional arrows and delete button? Thanks.
  11. zippo

    zippo Pro

    this is a known issue as some changes were made in the keyboard driver, a fix is in progress
  12. atari_x99

    atari_x99 Guest

    Thanks for the confirmation of this issue. I thought I was the only one experiencing this problem. Would the fix be on the server side or the client side? In any case, I'll be looking forward to it. :) Thanks again.
  13. zippo

    zippo Pro

    Client side as the issue is dependant on the keyboard driver

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